The Inteligent One - #58

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"I don't get it (Y/N)!" Draco moaned, crossing his arms over the text book in front of him and flopping his forehead onto it. The library was almost silent, excluding the few Hufflepuff second years that were muttering to one another about there end of year Charms exam.
You looked down at your best friend, collapsed on the table next to you as you were revising for your N.E.W.T's. "Well what makes you think I understand it either?" You asked studying the page in confusion.
His words were muffled by the arm and book barrier he had created but he continued anyway. "You're intelligent though." He protested, wishing he was as good at Transfiguration as he was at Potions.
You crinkled your nose up and rolled your eyes. "Draco. I'm not intelligent. You know more than I do. What even is this?" You told him, whispering the last part to yourself.

In Transfiguration, you sat next to Hermione Granger. Self confessed book addict and nerdy, goodie two shoes. She knew everything. That's why you got good marks in class tests, you just copied her. The class tests weren't like end of year tests where they bewitched the quills so you couldn't cheat. Nope, you could cheat to your hearts content in class and why wouldn't you when you have the brightest witch if your age next to you.
But this did unfortunately lead to many people, including Draco, to believe you actually knew what you were talking about. Don't get me wrong, you were amazing in other subjects, but Transfiguration was really not your strong point.

Draco lifted his head from behind his arms and studied your face intently. You were fixated on the page in front of you, your head resting on you hands, frustration boiling up inside. You just wanted to understand. But nothing made any sense to you.
Draco could see the confusion on your face and spoke softly. "(Y/N) you are intelligent." He reassured.
You prised your eyes way from the paper to look at him. "No I'm not. I copy perfect old Granger every lesson." You protested miserably, sighing.
He smirked proudly. "You're clever enough to have gotten away with it for an entire year." He chuckled in delight.
A small smile crept into the corner of your lips hearing Draco's justification. "Yeah, but that's not going to help us pass Transfiguration now is it?" You told him.
Draco just shrugged. "Do you want to do it for the rest of your life?" He asked, still looking up at you from his slumped position. You shook your head. "Exactly. Now don't worry. You'll pass everything else. You'll probably get Outstanding's in all your other subjects. Don't be so hard on yourself." He told you honestly, sitting up straight and placing his hand over the top of yours.

Draco wasn't the sort of boy who expressed feelings or emotions very often, so him placing his hand firmly on yours was some sort of miracle. You turned to face him as a million thoughts rushed to your head. "We will still talk after we have finished school, won't we?" You asked hesitantly, not wanting to sound clingy.
Draco gazed over every feature of your face before answering. You wondered what was going through his mind. "Of course. What makes you think we wouldn't?" He questioned as he smiled.
You just shrugged, turning back to your textbook and studying it once more, instantly getting frustrated at the words on the page. "I don't know. I just didn't think you would want to talk to someone like me after school." You mumbled, feeling no confidence in yourself what so ever.

Draco began to look around at everyone studying in silence and took the moment to grab your hand tighter and drag you up off the chair and into the hall way. As you were being taken through the library, you tried to protest as silently as possible, but began to see that attracted a lot of unwanted attention, so you just let him pull you through the long room.
As he got you out into the hallway, Draco dragged you over to the wall where you both leant on it side by side. Your best friend began talking as soon as his shoulder hit the wall. "Don't ever say that I wouldn't want to talk to you. You are the most incredible witch I have ever met and you are insanely talented and stunningly beautiful." He honestly stated, looking deeply into your eyes.
You looked away from him, touched by his kind words but not really believing them yourself. Draco placed his fingers on the bottom of your chin and guided your eyes back up to connect with his. "I mean it. I don't know where I'd be without you (Y/N)." He began again. "You have got me out of countless sticky situations. Helped me for years with school. And been there for me at all times of the day. And night." He chuckled remembering an insistent in 3rd year where he had snuck out after curfew just to insult Potter. If it wasn't for you, he would have been caught by Dumbledoor, but instead only Harry was punished for it.
"Please believe me." Draco spoke softly.
You smiled at his sincerity and wrapped your arms around him tightly. "Thank you Draco. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you with Transfiguration." You apologised feeling him squeeze you tightly back.
"It's no problem. I only care about Potions at the moment anyway." He kissed the top of your head as you buried your head into his chest in the deserted hallway.

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