Try Not To Think About It: Part 3- #88

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You had been spying on the dark force for almost a month now and you had found out more information than you knew what to do with. Some was easily conveyed to Professor Dumbledore, but some things you had more trouble putting into words. It was a lot for a 17 year old to take in. Especially the things you found out through legilimency. You now saw exactly what Draco had been experiencing and understood him more clearly now. These people were inhuman. They didn't care who they hurt as long as they got exactly what they wanted. And what they wanted always came at a price. The most common price; someone else's life.

You had just been a pawn in Voldemorts game. You weren't a killer. You hadn't been instructed to do any demeaning tasked. Instead, you had only as of yet been instructed to relay back to Voldemort about movements and unforeseen events in the castle and within the Order. Quite obviously, before every meeting, you would go to Dumbledore to ask exactly what he wanted you to tell Voldemort. Most of the time it was either mundane observations or compleat lies. But occasionally you would have to slip in a few truths so he didn't get suspicious.
Draco on the other hand had been instructed to performs a task that he hadn't yet acquired the courage to do. Killing his headmaster and the most powerful wizard in existence was proving to be a tough job, but really it was just a job he didn't want. You knew that Dumbledore had told Snape that he had to be the one to kill him, but your headmaster had instructed you not to tell Draco about this fact. Your best friend had to at least try so that the Dark Lord wouldn't hurt him.

It was later in the year and Draco was pacing around the common room one afternoon. Looking over at your platinum haired friend, you called out to him. "Hey, Draco? What's up with you?" You asked.
He stopped pacing but resisted the urge to look in your direction. "Nothing. I'm fine." He dismissed.
You weren't stupid. Maybe Crabbe and Goyle would leave him be after that kind of answers, but you weren't those two buffoons. "Come on Draco. What's wrong?" You enquired once more.
He sat on the charge beside you but was reluctant to speak or make eye contact. You had a sudden idea that would guarantee he would talk to you. Slipping subtlety into his head, you made your presents known.
Draco quickly snapped his head round to look at you. "I felt that. I know you were in my head. What are you doing?" He narrowed his eyes but you just leant back on the char and crossed your arms.
"Just tell me what's wrong and I won't have to do it again?" You suggested. You weren't actually going to do that to him, you had morals when it came to your friends, especially Draco. You didn't like invading their minds. Unlike Potter, his head was a gold mine.

Draco just looked back at his hands and sighed keeping his mouth firmly closed. With this, you decided to do it once more. "(Y/N)! Will you stop that. I'll fill my head with Nifflers, images of Peeves dancing though the corners, Snape and McGonagall having a broomstick race. I'll don't anything if you keep doing that!" He began listing as he faced you.
You chuckled at Draco's creative mind and he began to smile. "Sorry. I wasn't actually going to read your mind. I just wanted you to tell me what was wrong. I'm not an idiot Draco." You told him sincerely, still smiling lightly at the boy.
Draco took a deep breath. "Tonight. I have to do it tonight. They are coming. They are going to make me." He whispered, knowing other people were in the common room.
You knew exactly what he was talking about. Tonight he had to kill Dumbledore. You went over and sat beside him, pulling your best friend into a hug. "Whatever happens, just know Dumbledore planned it. He knows about everything and will find a way to make this all right." You tried to comfort him, but you were still scared. You wanted to be strong for the both of you but Draco knew you to well and just hugged you tighter.

That evening, you and Draco opened up the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement and made you way up to the Astronomy Tower. There, you found Dumbledore who seemed to be talking to himself which you found odd.
The scene in front of you unfolded as Draco disarmed the extremely calm professor. You stood by Draco's side the entire time, not wanting the boy to feel alone.
A few Death Eaters emerged in the tower. Whilst Bellatrix was congratulating her nephew, Dumbledore looked at you dead in the eye. You frowned before he widened them, encouraging you to discreetly look into his mind. Images of a time turner and a second Dumbledore scattered though your mind as all the pieces fell into place. This wasn't Dumbledore. Well, it wasn't present day Dumbledore at least. This version of the great wizard came from the not so distant future where he was already about to die.

You suddenly pulled yourself out of his thoughts as you heard the monotone voice of the Slytherin professor. Dumbledore gave you one final look, then glanced down at the floor below. Stood there, looking up, was Saint Potter. You knew that you were going to have to deal with him. Giving Dumbledore a final nod, Snape reluctantly pointed his wand at his friend, sending him backwards and to his death.
Snape knew that this was a different version of Dumbledore, but it still hurt him to perform the act.

As Bellatrix cackled, Draco was forced down the stairs first with Snape giving you a look. You nodded towards him and hurried down to where Harry was standing. You quickly covered his mouth, waiting for the Death Eaters and your two friends to leave. Harry was kicking and screaming into your hand while slapping your side to get free. Once you released him, you looked at him seriously. "Listen to me Potter! Dumbledore is not dead. Now pull yourself together and get to his office now. No one can know he is still alive yet." You told him with the most serious voice you could muster.
Harry looked at you, out of breath and bewildered. "Why should I trust you?" He spat with a scowl.
You sighed. "Because Dumbledore does!" You state honestly, before walking away to find Draco.

Once you caught up to them, you clung onto Draco's hand and looked at his panicked face. Squeezing it gently, he looked towards you. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay." You told him.
Draco looked into your eyes. They were filled with honestly and hope. He knew you meant it. He didn't know what it was that had happened, but in that moment he knew that Dumbledore was not dead.
Draco stopped in the hallway and hugged you tighter than he ever had done. "Thank you (Y/N)!" He whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek as you pulled away.
Realising that Bellatrix, Snape and the other Death Eaters were quite a way in front, you both ran quickly to catch up. Snape turned to look at you both as he heard the patter of your running feet. The serious faces man gave you a knowing smirk before restoring his usual look and strutting out of the castle.
You clung onto Draco's hand as you left the place you now called home, wanting to never let go of the boy beside you.


Thank you to cookiecat1212, nickothesicko, booksrbest and Samuili_hajra for requesting a part 3! I had way to much fun writing this. Hope you liked it as well. -A

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