Money Doesn't Grow on Trees - #96

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You arrived at Kings Cross Station with nothing but a trunk half filled with clothes, a single ball point pen, notepad and an old paperback copy of Alice in Wonderland. The books in the Wizard world were not cheep but then neither were muggle books. Your grandmother had bought Alice in Wonderland for you from a charity shop when you were a baby. You were muggle born and although your parents worked for 11 hours a day, it was never really enough to get you all by. Their jobs lead nowhere. They just worked to put what little food they could afford in the table. But you obviously loved them unconditionally. Your grandmother lived in your family house as well. Her sister had been a witch, so when she heard that you had somehow 'inherited' the power, she was over the moon.

The train ride to Hogwarts felt grand. It was the first time you had traveled anywhere that wasn't by foot or bus. Once you got to the school, you were instantly stunned into silence. The great castle towered over you like a marvellous architectural mountain. The carved stone was beautifully and delicately crafted, looking like it took centuries to create. It felt as though the majority of the first years around you just glossed over how grand and intricate every aspect of the castle was. It was like a dream come true. Coming from a two bedroom flat to a vast old castle was a bit of a jump in your opinion. But it was the best jump you felt you could ever make.

When you were ushered into the Great Hall, you almost missed your name being called as you were to busy looking around at all of the decorations, food and people. You weren't sure if it was all real or not. When you sat on the stool, the hat upon your head called out the house Slytherin and that would be the place you stayed for the next 7 years of education. Sitting down at the long table, you were met with a young first year like yourself with platinum blonde hair and a cocky smirk. "Hello. I'm Draco." He introduced himself, his voice full of prestige and honour.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N)." You replied timidly. The two of you spoke for a while and introduced yourselves to the rest of your new family.

The next day, you and your new friend, Draco, sat beside one another in your first lesson. Potions. Before Professor Snape entered the room, you laid out your notepad and pen. Looking at the desk from beside you, Draco frowned. "You don't even have a quill? What in Merlins name is that?" He asked, pointing at the pen that rested next to your paper.
"It's a pen. I never got a quill." You told him, clearly leaving out the fact you couldn't really afford one.
Draco reached into his bag and pulled out a second quill. "Here. Take this. You can share the ink pot." He offered you, placing the quill on top of your book. You protested profusely, not wanting to take his belongings that he had bought. "Honestly, just take it. I can easily get my mother to send me another one." He informed you. Smiling softly, you thanked the boy.

Over the first few weeks, Draco saw a trend in how you went about your daily life. How you never had a text book. That you hardly had any variety of clothing. And that you almost never got a letter from your family. The reason was because they couldn't get an owl to send you letters. As much as they would have wanted one, they obviously could not afford such a majestic pet.
This prompted a curious convocation, initiated by the Slytherin boy. "Hey (Y/L/N). I was just wondering why you don't have any books?" He queried, carefully.
You stopped writing your Charms essay and looked slowly up at him. Everyone around you was of a higher class than you and sometimes you felt rather out of place. "Well. I- My mum, thought I knew so much- that she didn't want to buy me books because I was so clever." You lied badly.
Draco raised his eyebrows. "(Y/N). You are a brilliant Witch, but even Granger needs books. Just tell me, I don't care." He saw straight through you, as though you were a ghost lurking in the halls.
You sighed and looked down at your crumpled old paper. He was the closest friend you had. He would find out eventually anyway. "My parents can't afford them. That's why I didn't have a quill, I only have 6 pares of socks and I have one book." You told him, reluctantly looking up at him.

Draco nodded. "Fair enough. At least you don't act poor like that Potter fanboy, Weaselbe. You have dignity. And you persevere. I'm proud to call you my friend. Always have and still will." He smiled, seeing that you seemed nervous upon telling him about you lack of money. "So what is this one book that you own anyway?" He asked.
You began to explain to him about Alice in Wonderland as he looked on in amazement and confusion. "This all seems a bit far fetched. I mean, a talking cat. I can understand the shrinking and growing part, but the talking animals. No." He dismissed it as you laughed at his reluctance to consider reading the book for himself.

Over the rest of the school year, Draco sat beside you in every lesson, allowing you to read from his text book and make important notes from it. Whenever anyone was rude about the social class of your family, Draco would snap at them and protect you from the rude people. You soon began standing up for yourself with the help of your best friend and when your birthday came around, Draco bought you your first personal text book. Just one, because he still needed an excuse to sit next to you in ever subject.
As June came around, you had sent and owl to your grandmother asking her if she could go down to the charity shop by your house and buy a good 20 pence book. She sent back A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. You gifted this to Draco on his birthday, telling him he needed to have finished it by the time they came back for second year.
Draco initially rolled his eyes at the thought of having to read a muggle book but was more than grateful.


Is anyone doing A Level Photography, Art, Graphics or Textiles? I just need to know if anyone is in the same boat as me right now because I'm don't Photography and Graphics. 15 hour exam starts tomorrow... -A

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