Chapter 34: Tell the Parents

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Flying back to Georgia accompanied by Jamie they head to his parents. When they pull up to the farm, his dad is outside working.

"Hey dad," Reid says hugging him. "Where's mom?"

"She's getting lunch ready," hugging Jamie.

"Well come on, Jamie and I have something to tell you guys," Reid informs as they walk inside. "Mom?" they walk in.

"Reid?" he hears her echo. "What are you doing here? Jamie! Hi dear," she smiles hugging her. "I knew you'd bring Reid around more."

"So she gets a hug and I don't?" Reid asks, opening his arms to his mother.

"No she just gets a hug first," she teases embracing her son. "Are you guys hungry?"

"I'm always hungry," Reid says walking to the fridge.

Jamie looks at his mom smiling and shaking his head.

"So Jamie and I have something to tell you guys," he winks at his girlfriend.

"We are having a baby-babies," Jamie announces, handing his mom the ultrasound pictures.

"Oh my gosh, honey look at these."

"Twins?" his dad asks.

"Yeah evidently twins run in Jamie's family."

"Yeah we were surprised too."

"How far along are you?"

"A couple months right?" Reid asks kissing her forehead.

"About 3," she nods.

"We've been taking votes. I say it's two boys."

"I think it's a boy and a girl, at least that's what I want," Jamie says.

"Definitely boys," his dad nods.

"See?" Reid winks at Jamie.

"We will see," Jamie sticks her tongue out. His mom instantly lecturing Jamie on making sure to eat.

"Mom leave her alone. I'm sure she knows."

"Reid let me love on my grand babies," his mom smiles giving him a look. "Have you thought about names?"

"Reid brought it up the other night but we didn't really think of any."

"We might just have to wait till they are here, see what they look like," Reid shrugs.

"Guys I'm so excited," his mom grins again.

"Me too but we have so much to figure out these next few months. I'm trying not to stress."

"Yeah please don't stress it's not good for you or the baby," he winks at her, his dad taking Jamie out to see the new calf just leaving Reid and his mom. "Thanks for feeding us mom."

"You know I love too," squeezing his hand. "How are you really feeling about everything babe?"

"I'm happy mom. I really am."

"I'm just making sure, with everything that's happened the last few months I wanted to make sure you're ready for this."

"I am," Reid nods. "She doesn't know this yet but I'm gonna marry her."

"Really?" his mom asks excitedly.

"Yeah," he says hugging her. "Well I better get her home."

"I'm so glad you two came here and told me. Take care of her," his mom advises, following him out the front door. Jamie and Reid's dad laughing and heading back towards them.

"Well dad I think we're gonna head out."

"I loved seeing you two," Jamie smiles, hugging Reid's parents.

"We loved seeing you guys too. Take care of my grand babies."

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