Telma winked. "Well, the village of Ordon just sent us all a great new batch of pumpkins. I can fix you two up some pumpkin spice drinks?"

Link nodded. "Never had it, but it sounds good."

Telma smiled. "Great! They'll be ready soon."

I watched as she ran over behind the counter, fixing up our drinks.

Link turned back towards me. "Now, why don't we talk to those people?"

I shuddered, rubbing my arms. "I don't know... Something about them gives me the creeps..."

Link smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be there. Come on, let's go."

I nodded, standing up with Link.

"W-What?!" I proclaimed, holding up my hands. "Where did they go?"

Link was stunned. "Uh, are they magic users?"

I shook my head. "How am I supposed to know?!"

Thankfully, one was left; the tall blue-haired girl. She watched Link and I as we made our way over to her.

"Can I help you?" She asked, standing up straight.

I nodded. "My friend and I noticed how you and your... Friends, were looking at a map?" I looked at Link quickly, and he nodded. I faced the girl once more. "Not that that has to do with anything, but..." I stopped, losing confidence in myself. I wanted to leave.

Link picked up where I left off. "Do you know anything about the Hero's Weapon?"

The girl looked at the floor, placing a few fingers to her chin. "The Hero's Weapon..."

"Does it ring a bell?" I asked, immediately regretting saying anything. I didn't want to disturb her thought process, or to annoy her.

She nodded. "Yes, it does."

I gasped, clasping my hands together. "Oh, thank goodness! You have no idea how long we have been looking for someone to help us-"

"Well, why should I tell you any information?" The girl said, placing her hands on her hips.

I froze.

Link pulled me backwards a bit. "Y-Y'see, we're sorta..."

"'Sorta' what?" The girl demanded. "Information about the Hero's Weapon is classified. The only ones that know about the Hero's Weapon is anyone in the Royal Family."

I stepped forward, pushing Link's hand off of my shoulder. "Oh, really? And how would you know, since you aren't linked to the Royal Family?"

The girl stepped forward, inches from my face. "And how would you know that, exactly?"

Without looking away from the girl, I quickly concentrated all of my magic...

I was suddenly wearing my dress, once again.

The girl's eyes widened. "N-No way...!"

"Yes way!" I smiled proudly. "Now, what do you know about the Hero's Weapon?"

The girl bowed. "Y-Your majesty, I hope I haven't offended you..."

I shook my head. "It's fine, really."

Suddenly, the girl was inches from my face once again. "Wait! How do I know you're not some enemy using magic to trick me?!"

I frowned, holding up my right hand. The Triforce flowed bright on my hand. "I'm pretty sure this is enough evidence that I'm the princess."

"So... It has begun, huh?" The girl smiled sadly.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"

The girl smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I guess it's time for war?"

"War...?" I gasped.

The girl nodded. "The prophecy foretold of the Princess and the Chosen One coming to retrieve their sacred weapons, to defeat the evil king."

Link nudged my shoulder. "You better change back before anyone sees. You could get caught, or you might get sent into the castle, or who knows what..."

I nodded. "You're right." I did the same as before, and I was back in my regular clothes.

The girl smiled, holding out her hand. "My name is Ashei."

I gently took her hand, shaking it. I smiled. "Zelda, I guess you could have already guessed."

Ashei laughed. "Yes, your majesty."

Link stepped forward, holding one of his hands on my back. This gesture made me shiver, and my face immediately felt hot.

"So, can you tell us about the Hero's Weapon?" Link asked.

Ashei nodded. "My other friends, well, we are known as the Resistance. We know much about Hyrule and it's secrets, because we all explore plenty." She looked at the floor. "The rest of the Resistance left for Ordon to go visit a friend, and they have our map."

Link frowned. "So you don't know where the Hero's Weapon is?"

Ashei shook her head. "I do know a riddle, though. That might help you, however, the Resistance and I have not been able to crack the riddle."

I shuddered. "What is it?"

Ashei looked at the ceiling. "'A small dwelling in a forest, far away from civilization. Two guardians of the weapon stand before any of those who wish to take it. Only the Hero may pick up the weapon,'" Ashei recited. "It's not exactly a riddle, but it's all we've got."

I nodded. "Well, we better hurry," I said, looking at Link.

Link smiled, holding out his hand forward Ashei. "Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated."

Ashei's expression went back to cold and stern, like before. "No problem. Now, hurry! Go save Hyrule!"

Link and I looked at each other, and we nodded. "Of course," we both said.

"Your drinks are ready!" Telma yelled from behind us. "I'll leave them on the counter for you two!"

Link sighed. "Can't go exploring dehydrated, can you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess not."


Agh, I apologize that this chapter is much shorter than the others. I just really wanted to upload! So, I just wanted to explain quickly that this story isn't exactly following one specific Zelda game, or anything like that. I'm sorta making bits and pieces up as I go, but this story is mainly reflected off of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading! And, gee, I forgot to mention this story reached 2K views! That's amazing! Thank you all so much for everything, I really appreciate it! ❤️❤️

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