Please - part 2

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Cara POV

"Dean! You're here! And with a beautiful young date." The woman exclaimed as she gave Dean a cheek kiss.

"Mother, nice to see you again. This is Cara Stewart , the girl I have mentioned." He replied and she nodded."Come on in." She stepped aside, gesturing for us to go in.

Dean's Mother showed us the way to a big ballroom. In the middle stood a long table, with I would say 40 seats."The family is big." Dean whispered and I just nodded.

"Let me show you were the rest are hiding." His mother said and we went through another door leading us to the living room, I think.There stood young, old, skinny, fat, bald, full of hair.

"Dean! They're here!" We walked towards a middle aged man, must be his father... They shared the same jawline and beautiful facial features with both dazzling blue eyes."Ah ! Dean!" Wait same name?

"Dad!" They gave a hug and then his dad's eyes landed on me..."Whoa... Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"My name is Cara, Cara Stewart... Nice to meet you sir." I held out my hand and he shook it, still looking puzzled."Why do you look so... Does your mother also look like you?" He asked."They could be twins dad." Dean replied before I could and his dad smiled.

"Is your mother any chance, maybe Rachel Zeene?" He asked and I nodded."Yes, but now she is Stewarts... Well I suppose not for long." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Long story. Really personal." I replied and he nodded."Well its an honor to have you in my home.." He smiled and gave a little bow.

So we went on, meeting all Dean's family and after meeting 40 people , my face hurted from smiling.How does a happy person smile all day?

After we go seated at the table, everyone started eating.


"You've got some to come and interrupt my dinner, Ben." Dean's father yelled at the rogue that stood at the ballroom door.

"Your son has got something of mine, Dean." The man replied casually and looked at me and Dean."He has nothing of you. Now leave!" The ground shook under Dean's father growl.

"You don't know what he knows right?" The man smirked.Dean's father looked at me and Dean with a questioned look."Oh don't tell me your father doesn't know Junior?" The rogue laughed as if it was the funniest joke on the planet.

"Dean, that girl," the guy gestured towards me," She's the white wolf. The last known of it's kind." He smiled on hell of a creepy smile, " She's going to be mine even if I need to force her." I gulped and then saw that Dean stood protective in front of me.

"Just try!" He growled."Oh I will , but well... Maybe not today. I didn't know that you are having guests Dean." He stood straight and smile before locking his eyes on mine.

"Till we meet again white wolf." He bowed and walked out."Dean! My office now!" His father growled and walked off with Dean on his tail - if he had one now."Come on sweetie, let's get something to drink." Dean's Mother told me and draped her arm around my neck and lead me towards the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to let this happen... I am very sorry." I apologized as she handed me a glass of water."No, it's fine. I knew your mother and you could be back." That caught my attention.

"Wha-What do you mean?" She looked at me and sighed."That's a story for another day. Drink you water." She replied bluntly and so I did.Something felt off about me after I empty the glass. I feel dizzy...

"Miss.." I whispered, but my voice sound far away. I saw her look at me and then her eyes got big. She screamed something, but for me it was just silence. I saw the door open and Dean and his father storming in.

Frantically Dean rushed towards my side, speaking words that I couldn't hear.


We're drugged, try to stay awake... Magna sound far , but I could feel her also slipping away.

What?don't know what sort of drug, but you could lose me for a bit. Be sa... Magna was gone... Like a metal in acid, gone.

Magna? Magna?! I couldn't get to her, I couldn't hear her...I looked back at Dean, but still I couldn't hear a word. I was lifted and carried somewhere... I was placed on something soft, it felt like a bed... It was a room ...

It was covered in a dark blue wallpaper and had a dark brown wooden floor. I felt sleepy, but I didn't fall asleep... Magna? I tried again, but still no answer...

I don't know how long I laY on this bed, but after a while I started feeling better... I could hear again and I slowly sat up straight against the wall."Dean?" My throat was dry and scratchy.

"Hey, I'm here." He walked out of the bathroom, must have taken a shower because he had only on a jean and was half naked.

Wow his abs... So beautiful... I wanna touch it!Okay what the hell is happening to me... Dean? Beautiful? Okay that drugged made me more crazy than a psychopathic serial killer.

"What happened?" I got out... He gave me a glass of water and I hesitantly took it."It's okay, our doctor tested it. It's clean." He sighed and gave a concern smile.

"I think you are going to wanna kill someone after you hear this from me..." He told me and saw his eye colour got darker, meaning he was getting mad.

The White WolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora