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Dean POV

I waited for her to come out of that room for almost half an hour."Why are they taking so long sir?"I asked and he sighed.Then I heard it, that ear piercing scream that broke my heart and made my wolf furious.

I broke down the door and saw that the rogue had Cara in his arms, her flesh was burning under the silver."Leave her alone!" I punched him in the face, and he let Cara go. 

She was like a lifeless corpse in my arms. I knew she was passed out from that silver, the marks sat there fresh.


We had to wait for her mother to come to the hospital, where we have taken her, before any of us could hear the news.I could recognize her mother instantly, she looked a lot like her mother, that I almost thought it could've been her sister.

"Where is she?"Her mother asked, tears building up in her eyes, it made my wolf whimpered. "She's stable Miss, but..."The doctor began. "But what?"Her Mother's eyes got as big as golf balls.

"She isn't waking up, is there someone, perhaps a mate or someone that could help us?"The doctor asked, her mother nodded."Her best friend, I'll try to get her to come."Her Mother replied and walked off, to call Michelle.

Michelle showed up 5 minutes later, Joshua tagging along. "I'm here, what must I do?" Michelle gave Cara's mother a hug. Wow she looked more scared than Cara's mother was.

"You'll need to get inside her head..."The doctor talked, and Michelle's eyes got also big."I...I don't know how to do that."She replied and the doctor gasped."You...You're a wolf,you..."Cara's mother held her hand up and spoke, "She has been for almost a month..."Then she looked at me, "Dean, you need to do it. You're our only hope now." I nodded.

"I'll try my best..."I replied and made my way towards her room. I closed the door and started stripping of my clothes till I just stood in my jockey.Well this is embarrassing. Cara please don't hate me... I made myself comfortable next to her, she felt so warm... Her bare skin was soft against mine, it gave me a weird feeling. 

"Okay Arch, your up."I said and felt how my wolf took over. 


We were now inside of Cara's mind, it was amazing. 

It was a big forest, the trees stood like skyscrapers

Birds chirped here and there, some flying above my head... Then I heard the faint sound of a girl's laugh... Cara?

I looked down and saw I was in my wolf form, so I followed the sound and came across a massive lake..

There stood a little girl, about 6 years of age next to a tall,young looking man. He had dark , maybe black hair, the little girl had beautiful long hair falling right under her shoulder blade. She was laughing and splashing in the lake.

Then I saw movement in the corner of my eye, a white powerful wolf stood there, watching the girl and man.

"Cara?" I asked , silently standing next to the wolf. The wolf nodded and then shifted, with clothes on? Oh yeah, we're in her mind...

I also shifted, thinking about being clothed.

"That's my father, the little girl being me. This is one of the most precious memories I still have of him." She looked at me, her eyes glistening. 

"What happened?"I asked and she sighed.

"He rejected my mother after 25 years of marriage. When I was a little child...We always came to this place... Mother was on a business trip that time for her job, so my father and I found this place where we used to live." She smiled, but a sad smile.

"I am really sorry to hear that." I replied and she shrugged."But why are you in my dream?" She asked, concerned.

"You are in a coma, you don't want to wake up. So they wanted me to come in and check why not.You're mother is worried sick..."I explained and she nodded and then I felt that I was begin fading."I'll see you on the other side White."I said before I woke up.


 Cara POV

I woke up and found myself looking into some dazzling blue eyes. "Hey there White." He replied and I smiled, till I saw how he was dressed."You like what you're seeing?"He asked and I laughed nervously. He stood up and clothed himself."Come on. There are people who wants to see you."He said and held out his hand, I took it and we walked slowly towards the door.

He opened the door and there stood Mother and Michelle."Oh my darling!" My mother enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug , whispering something for Dean."Please don't do that ever again!" Michelle warned as we gave each other a massive hug.

I looked at where Dean stood, but he was gone."He needed to go, he said he is sorry." I just nodded as mother explained."Let's go home." Mother said and I nodded.

Oh I hope that rogue is locked up... Magna told me.

Me to, Magna. I replied back.

So with that we went home, I would've said a place where I feel most safe, but I know isn't anymore...

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