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Cara POV

So after the talk with Mother, we went to Michelle's house. I was nervous and Michelle was shaking.

"Rachel! What a surprise!" Michelle's Mother greeted us after we all walked inside their suburban home.

"Sorry to barge in Tara, may I speak to you and Gabriel about a few things please?" Mother asked before Michelle's mother ushered us into the living room

"Gabriel, we have guests!" Miss Camrai yelled into a study room.

After a few minutes, Michelle's Dad came to join us and sat next to his wife.

"So you wanted to talk about something?" She asked and looked at Mother, but Michelle beat Mother to it.

"Mom, Dad. I have decided to be a wolf... And the Stewarts would like to help.." Michelle said and it was quiet in the house.

"This is utterly beyond your imagination my dear. How could the Stewarts help?" Her mother asked shocked breaking the silence, but I could hear her heart rate increasing. They were probably aware of the tales of wolves surrounding the town.

"Tara, Gabriel. Your daughter is right, we could help... Well, my daughter could help." Mother replied and everyone's eyes landed on me. Magna shimmied back into my mind, as she never was a fan of being in the spotlight.

"Is this some kind of joke? You are not wolves, are you?" Her dad asked, his voice laced with concern. I nodded instead of giving a direct answer.

"We are. I have asked Michelle to keep quiet for the sake of Cara's safety, but now people are after Cara and we'll have to move away..." Mother explained and Michelle looked at her dad.

"Dad, Mother.. Please. I want to become one. It's my dream..." Michelle pleaded and Miss & Mr Camrai looked at each other. I could see they were speaking with their eyes.

Michelle has told me many times before that she believed her parents were also mated humanly. They knew what the other one was saying by just looking at each other's eyes.

"I can't believe what is going to come out of my mouth... " Her mother started. "If this is all true and this is what you want to do become Michelle, we support it..." She paused for a moment before she continued. "But there is only one condition...We will have to move with you." Her mother ended off before being attached to Michelle's bear hugs.

"So how does one turn into a wolf?" Her Father asked ( this information I have made up myself... So sorry if you guys don't agree..)

"Well being one of the rarest wolves, Cara may change Michelle... It takes roughly two days before Michelle's transformation will start." My Mother explained.

"Cara will have to help her to normalize with this kind of living... I will help you two to also know when and when not." Mother smiled softly at Michelle's parents.

"And because Cara and Michelle have such a close bond... Their wolves will be connected almost like soulmates" Mother pronounced.

"So when may Cara change me?" Michelle asked while smiling a smile that would tear her face.

"Tonight. Tomorrow is a full moon." I answered and then groaned.

"Mother I'm going to be in heat!" I said and she groaned also.

"What's being in heat?" Michelle asked and I gave a nervous laugh

" The heat is one of the most excruciating pains you'll ever feel. Take your girl time and time it by a billion and well, it stays with you until you get a mate." I explained and she gulped.

"Well if it comes with the package I'm in," Michelle rubbed her head while answering and I chuckled.

I hope this is a great idea! Magna sarcastically exclaimed in the back where she was still lying down and I mentally sighed.

I hope so too, I hope so too...

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