Chapter 4 •Grayson Bailey Dolan!•

Start from the beginning

"Well, I could've.. but I didn't wanna." She smiles at me making me glare in return.

"You bi-" I start off but cut off right away. Dang it!

"Stop with the bickering. You two have been at it the past 3 months." Grayson whines like a baby. He then takes the bags from Emily's hands and heads to the kitchen. See! Now he's smart.

"What gentleman." I tease making Emily blush a little bit. Suddenly I feel two arms snake around my waist. Two arms that I've grown to love.

"I'll take those." Ethan smiles as he takes the bags from my hands. I have my back turned so they won't see my goofy smile. He's so sweet.

"Katherine! Come over here. Quit hiding you're goofy smile." Gray calls me out. Seriously?

I roll my eyes at him, although he didn't see me, before turning around. I walk into the kitchen and my jaw drops at what I see. How could I have not noticed this before?

"Like what you see?" Ethan smirks at me. I look away trying to hide my tomato red cheeks.

"You don't have to hide you're face when you blush kat, it's cute." He chuckles. I feel him spin me to face him.

"I love you." He suddenly says. He hugs me as well. Um.. I'm trying so hard not to rip off his towel in front of everyone. Oh wait! I have an idea.

"I love you too.. but what if you're towel were to.." I trail off slowly grabbing his towel, then ripping it off completely.

"EWWWW!!!!" Emily yells laughing while covering her eyes. Hahaha.

"EW ETHAN! MY EYES! MY EYES!" Grayson yells covering his eyes also. I laugh at their reactions and ethan's oh so red face. He quickly uses me as a cover up since I threw the towel at the other couple shielding their eyes.

"I will get you back for this, remember that." He says as we walk to the bedroom. Just as we make it to his room, he pushes me up against the wall. Note that he is still naked.

"Ethan, they are right outside." I hiss.

"They won't hear." He says before bringing his lips to mine. I kiss back and start to move my hands a bit south, if you know what I mean, wink wink. After a little bit of teasing him, I open the door. Ethan doesn't seem to notice so I move us a little and back out of the room, breaking the kiss. I blow a kiss to him before walking into the living room. I glance over my shoulder to see him glaring at me. Sucker!

As I get into the living room I see Emily & grayson looking at a phone. I think it's ethan's.

"What are you two doing?" I ask making my appearance known, also making them jump in fright.

"What?" I ask again, noticing the nervous looks on their faces.

"Um.." Grayson mumbles.

"You should look at this." Emily says sadly, handing me Ethan's phone. I look at it. The color from my face drains as I read the text.

"Baby. I miss you so much. We should meet up again sometime. -M." I read aloud.

"Yes. Real soon. I gotta wait first, don't wanna get caught. -E." I read aloud. Tears falling freely now. He's cheating on me? No, no he isn't. He couldn't be, I've been nothing but loyal to him!

"Hey guys." I hear the asshole say. He notices all of our facial expressions and loses his smile. "What's up with the sad faces?"

"Why don't you ask you're hoe." I spat, throwing his phone at him. He catches it but fumbles at first. He reads it then looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Kat-" he tries to say but I cut him off. I need to go for a ride. Be out of here for a few hours. Away from him for a few hours.

"Save it you cheater!" I shout, running out of the apartment. On the way out I grab my keys. I need to go for a drive.

I start my car and reverse out of our parking spot. I drive a few feet only to stop, so I don't run over Ethan. I roll down my windows.

"Katherine please. Don't go." He pleads. He starts to come to my side.

"I dont want to hear it Ethan." I say tiredly. He is at my window in seconds. I rest my head on the steering wheel.

"Just, please, don't go. Let me explain." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I shake my head, more tears falling.

"I just need to get some air... away from you." I tell him. He tries to open my door but I remove his hand and drive off. I glance at the mirror to see him crying more, which makes me cry harder. I hate seeing him like that but he hurt me. I'll let him explain to me why he's done what he did when I get back, but until then, I'm going to the other end of L.A.

"It hurts." I sob to myself... 

Any of you recognize this? I've decided to update early but I will still update on Tuesday too. An ways hope you like it!!!! P.S.. ignore the spelling errors.


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