<~Chapter 1~>

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"Bri calm down"

"Don't tell me to calm down, I've been lied to my whole life!" Dad flinched back not expecting me yell at him

"Just calm down, I'll call them, I'll talk to them"

"I don't wanna meet them!! I don't want them to take me away from you!"

"They won't"

"Dad they are my parents, they can take me at any point"

"But you're mom and dad"

"Haven't been there my whole life, I know my life is screwed up" He let out a breath

"We'll get through this, we always do"

"I don't want to leave you"

"You won't" he wrapped his arms around me, and I cuddle my head into his chest

"I love you dad" he kissed my forehead

"I love you too babes"

"Hi it's Justin, bri's adopted dad" dad spoke into the phone

He had told me to go upstairs but duh I'm going to listen to his conversation. Like I always do.

"We want to meet our daughter" dad sighed and I look down the railing and see him and his eyes are shut as if them saying their daughter hurt him. Me too dad, I'm yours, not theirs.

"She's my- never mind, yeah I guess I have no choice, when do you wanna-"

"In two days, you will need to come down to Nashville where we live" I could hear them hang up on him

I find him throw his phone down on the couch and go out onto the porch.

I ran back up the stairs and called jimmy on FaceTime. He picked up on the second ring, "hey there Bri!! How ya been pal?"

"Great great, no well not really"

"Oh no what happened, is it your dad I can come beat him up for you" I laughed

"No no it's my past, I just, so my so called parents you know my crazy dad and druggie mom, well they are my foster parents, and well my real parents want to see me, and they just hung up on dad and we have to be in Nashville to meet them in two days, I think dad is mad, he is out on the porch right now and I don't know what to do"

"Whoa slow your role pal, Justin will take care of it, he won't let you be taken away, he loves you too much, and jess too, he probably hasn't told her yet because he thinks he can handle it on his own"

"They have the chance of winning my custody over dad, and I could never see dad again"

"That will never happen I assure you, your dad loves you more than you will know, and he is super proud of you"

"I know, I just hate that he could lose me" dad knocked on the door

He opens it and comes over to me. "I'll let you two talk, bye Bri, bye Justin"

"Bye James" dad said as I waved, he ended the call and dad wrapped me into a hug

"I won't let them take you away from me" he mumbled

"We have to be in Nashville in two days, should I tell grandma about this?" I shook my head

"It's best if they don't know yet, maybe after we meet with them"

"I don't want to meet them, what if you love them more than me, and you leave me, and I won't see you again"

I wrapped my arms tighter around him, "I wouldn't leave my best friend and my partner in crime, I'll beat them up and threaten them to let me live with you" he laughed

"Please don't do that"

"I make no promises!" I say getting up and leaving the room

"Get back here missy!" Dad yelled following me, I took a sharp turn into the basement and hide under the long desk in the studio.

"Bri where are you? You need to do your YouTube stuff and your homework"

I could hear his footsteps coming into the room. He sits down in the chair right in front of me.

"hey babe" he said

I could hear Jessica on the other end, "hey jay, what's up"

"I just need an adult to talk to" she laughed

"Haha, is Bri not there"

"Well she is hiding somewhere in the house, she needs to get her homework done, but it's her past"

"What about it?"

He sighed before talking "so her drug mom and asshole dad aren't her real parents, they were her foster parents, and her real parents want us down there in two days to meet them, and they could take her away from me, they have that right, jess I could lose my daughter"

"Justin you won't lose her, they will see how cute you guys are together, and won't take her away"

"But what if they do, I want to be there by her side when she has her first concert, when she has her first award, and keep her away from the boys as best as I can, she's my babes"

"She'll be fine, you'll be fine, you guys won't be separated"

"Yeah I guess I'm overthinking things, we still on for tomorrow night?"

"Yeah of course"

"Bri has basketball practice at 5 and then she will get dropped off at dance for the night and she will be home by 10"

"Okay I will see ya at 5!"

"See ya, bye baby I love you"

"I love you to jay" he hung up the phone and set it down on the desk

"Bri where are you?" He shouted I crawled out from under the table

He shakes his head when he sees me climbing out. "She's right you know we'll be fine"

"We always are" he said

"We have a long two days, don't we?" He nodded

"Oh yeah" he nodded

Hey there.
How have you guys been?
Well here is nightmares, and it will be different then dreams, a lot more drama.
If you guys have ideas, I would so gladly love to hear them.
Well as always please comment and vote!!

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