Did He Wink?

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Nico huffed. The lessons had finished and now he was to escort the prince to dinner with his family. Nico frowned as he leaned against the door, tapping his foot. He heard soft singing from inside, slowly growing louder. Then the door swung open, and Nico toppled over.
"Woah!" He righted himself, and then looked straight up into the laughing face of Prince Will. "Oh, shut up. Your highness." He corrected himself quickly.
"Good god, Nico. Please stop with the formalities. We may not be the best of friends, but I'd much appreciate it if you stopped saying "your highness". The prince groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, Prince William."
"Better." Will shrugged. "We should probably go down- I'm going to be late."
"Right." Nico followed Will down to the dining room, where his family was just being seated. He took his place next to them, clumsily sliding to his seat and provoking a smile from his sister and a playful disapproving look from his mother. He's kinda cute.. No! Well, I mean, as cute as an arrogant brat of a prince gets. Nico thought. He cleared his head and stood against the back wall while the royal family ate, every so often refilling their glasses with water. Kayla often shot him smiles and blushes.

The king started to talk about the going ons in the kingdom, ultimately boring Will to death. He hated the conversation at the dinner table. Wills eyes flickered up to Nico. He was silently watching on the side, his black hair falling into his face. Nico raised an eyebrow at him. He raised one back. Both Nico's eyebrows shot up. Will wiggled his. A smile ghosted on Nico's lips, and he winked. He winked? Will cracked up, causing his family to jump and stare at him. He excused himself from the table and beckoned Nico to follow him.
"So, Nico." He said as he closed the door to his room.
"Yes, sir?"
"Even though I'd rather throw myself off a building than do this, I figured I better get to know you if you're staying here." Will winced for effect. Nico rolled his eyes.
"So you want to play a game?"
"What game?"
"The classic 20 questions?"
"Oh. Ok."
"I'll go first. How old are you?"
"18. What do you do for fun?"
"Read a lot. I like singing and playing guitar, too. Also archery. What do you like doing?"
"Reading, drawing. Stuff like that." The two boys continued on for a while until the dreaded question came.
"My sister likes you, do you like her too?"
"Well, what?"
".. No."
"You don't? So you're just using her?"
"No! Not at all! It's just.. I'm gay."
"Well, what do you know?" Will said quietly.
"Me too."
"Yep." Will already had a better image in Nico's mind. He actually smiled at him. "So.. how're you going to break it to Kayla?"
"I don't know, actually." Nico fretted. He glanced down in worry.
"Hey, its fine. We'll find a way." Will comforted him. Nico looked up.
"Okay, Prince William."
"Nah, call me Will."

You're Good Luck, SunshineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora