¢нαρтєя тωєиту-тняєє

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¢нαρтєя тωєиту-тняєє

Coran remained in Thace's arms for what felt like an eternity, taking in the familiar softness of his purple fur. Thace couldn't help, but hold the red headed Altean as if he were something to treasure.

"I promise, Coran, nothing will ever separate us again. You have my word."

"I'm glad to hear that, Thace. I never forgot about you, even when I was in a sleeping chamber for ten thousand years. I...i've got you back."

"Coran!?" Allura's voice shocked both the Altean and the Galra. "What is the meaning of this!?"

Coran broke away from the hug, feeling immediately cold. He turned to face Allura, standing protectively in front of Thace. He had a grudge against the Galra, but he had learned better than to judge a person based on where they were from.

"Allura, I would like you to meet Lord Thace Androxia. He's the one who contacted the ship, and the man that has been helping Shiro alongside Princess Telenum."

"I helped your Paladin to recover from a rather bothersome fever." Thace explained, hoping that Allura would understabd. "If he did not receive the correct treatment in time, then he was sure to die. I had to help him, I just had to."

Allura's eyebrows narrowed with the anger she had been holding for years, though at the same time she was genuinely curious. Who were the Androxia's, and why weren't they in alliance with Zarkon and his empire?

She approached Thace, taking a breath and choosing her words carefully. If she insulted the lord or pressured him with accusations, it was sure to displease Coran.

"I...I must thank you, then, for what you have done for Shiro. I'm sure he appreciates the help you have given him, my lord."

"I appreciate his help every single day; he's done a lot more for me than you know, princess. What's going on in here? Why did you just call Thace 'my lord'?"

Allura, Coran and Thace gasped. The second in command sighed, knowing he had a lot of explaining to do. Shiro had heard it all.

"There are things that I have not told you, my boy. It is time that I tell you who I truly am. Can you please tell the others to assemble the main room?"

Was this it? Was Shiro going to get the answers he had been wanting after an entire year? He nodded, agreeing to Thace's request.

"Sure thing."


"You...you're a lord!? What the fuck!? Why didn't you tell us any of this!?" Rolo exclaimed, feeling mixed emotions. He was glad Thace was finally telling the truth, but it didn't explain why he had kept it from him and his friends for so long.

Thace was ready to answer any questions that came his way. There was no more time to hide away in his room, break down and cry when things got too tough. It was time to be truthful, set himself free of some of his demons.

"Yes...at least, I was. It may be quite hard to believe, but I have a deep, deep grudge against Zarkon. There are some members of my species who agree with what he is doing, while others do not. With every evil, there is always good. I happen not to agree with anything that he does on behalf of his course. The 'conquering the known universe' goal he has...bullshit. It's absolute bullshit."

Who's refined now, turtle-face?

"Since when did lords know curse words?" Lance asked, folding his arms. "No offence or anything, but aren't lords supposed to be polite and...well...sophisticated?"

"Not when one is around a total prick, you're not." Thace's eyes shimmered angrily, seemingly turning more vibrant. "I hate him; I hate Zarkon and everyone who chooses to follow him! That is why I lowered the barrier when..."

"When we last infiltrated the Galra mothership..." Shiro trailed off. It all made sense now, it made sense why Thace was with the princess. He lowered the barrier and then escaped, never to go back to the empire again. He'd hated it since day one!

"That was you!?" Lance quickly became more alive and alert, sitting up. "You helped us!?"

"Yes," Thace nodded, tears brimming his eyes. He let one fall, the sight immediately catching Coran's attention. He put his arm around him, earning a thankful smile from his friend. "I helped you not just out of the kindness of my heart. I did it because I believe Voltron is capable of rising again, to defeat the emperor."

"But you're also doing this for your own motives as well, aren't you? You wanna explain your reasoning behind that?"

"Keith! Give the guy a break; he's just admitted some pretty heavy stuff!" Pidge could see what Thace was saying was making him upset, whatever his motives were, there was no doubt they were incredibly personal. "I know all of you, except Coran and the others- myself included, have a hard time believing this, but I think it's true! Why else would Thace be here!?"

"He's working undercover!" Allura said, her conclusion being the only thing coming to mind. "This monster could be working on Zarkon's behalf, gaining information to send back to him! How did you ever come to trust this man, Shiro!?"

"Because unlike you I have better judgement of people, and I don't cry about my own sob story to try and get the sympathy stick from others!" Shiro snapped, having heard quite enough from Allura. He didn't mean anything he said, he was just mad. "So stop acting like Little Miss Prim and Proper all the time and actually get to know someone for who they are rather than judge them based on their species!"

"Little Miss Prim and Proper!?" Allura was absolutely appalled with Shiro's attitude. She had never heard him swear before, let alone get angry. She looked at Rolo in the corner of her right eye, able to tell he had been an influence on Shiro's new behaviour. "How dare you speak to me like that! I may be a princess, but it does not mean I don't have feelings! How do you think that makes me feeling, hearing you- my friend, say that to me!?"

"Oh shit..." Rolo said, his friends and the Paladins gathered around, watching in a huddle. "Someone get a camcorder."

"I'm telling you the honest truth!" Shiro could feel the rage boiling up, the sickening rage that made him want to inflict pain. "Thace is a good guy; he'll prove it to you himself! All of this...do you think he'd lie about it!? He's not sick in the head, he's not like Zarkon! He's sorry about what happened to Altea, but don't think your race is completely innocent. I'm sure there were just as many Galra soldiers killed as there were Alteans...think about that for a minute."

Allura held her tongue. She had never thought about that at all...Shiro was more than likely right. There had to be casualties from both sides, not one or the other. "I..."

"You best watch your mouth when you address me, do not forget that I too am from a high ranking bloodline. I do not ask for your friendship, all I ask is that you respect me for the lord am." Thace said, a tear slowly falling down his cheek as his past came to life in front of him for the first time in months. "You weren't the only one hurt by Zarkon."

Weren't the only one? My people and I weren't the only ones that suffered?

"Very well. I can grant you respect based on your ranking, but do not think we will ever be friends. I am grateful for what you have done for Shiro, but now it is time that we leave."

There was a sudden crash that hit the side of the ship, and everyone in the room fell to the floor as it turned on its side. Shiro grabbed Allura's hand so that she would not slip further, looking at her apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, Allura. I don't know what came over me."

"I was about to say the same thing," Allura gave him the same look, holding onto his hand tightly. "I apologise for my choice of words."

"Apologies will have to wait!" called Thace, motioning for Shiro to follow him. "Quickly, Shiro! To the Black Lion! Paladins, you must get to your Lions at all costs! My friends and I will help you hold these attackers off, but we need help on your part as well if we are to succeed."

"Come on, guys! Work together!" Shiro said, joining Thace. When they reached the Black Lion, it's pilot was quick to get it going. What they could see, however, was what made their blood run cold.


"Holy shit..."

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