¢нαρтєя иιиєтєєи

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¢нαρтєя иιиєтєєи

"Looks like things have been tough on you, Shiro. I'm sorry, I wish the others and I could have found you sooner. You've been through so much, and yet..." Pidge smiled, over the moon her friend was okay. "you're still the same Shiro I knew a year ago."

I wouldn't say that, Shiro thought. I'm not the same person, not anymore. There's something going on with me, something I can't control.

"I'm glad you think so, Pidge. Thank you, I know it was hard but you're really giving Thace a chance. Your father and brother would be proud, for not judging someone just because of where they come from."

"I only intended to try and get along with him because I knew it would make your happy, I didn't want to upset you or make any wrong assumptions. Thace doesn't seem like that bad of a guy; he's kind of like me in a way."

"I told you, just give him time. I know it doesn't seem like it, but there's things about Thace that even I don't know. He's not very open about his past, and i'm beginning to think it's something to do with the Lions and my Galra Tech arm."

Pidge knew about his ability to talk to the Lions, she'd seen it up close for herself, but Shiro's arm? Now this was something new.

"What makes you say that?" she asked, raising a brow. She'd noticed the modifications that had been made to Shiro's arm, instead of glowing purple it was now white, and it looked a lot more durable. It actually seemed much better, and there was only one person she knew who could most probably do such things to pieces of complex technology.

Rolo. Guess he really isn't as bad as he made himself out to be. Sure, he was a complete asshole the last time we met, but he claims that he's changed so i'm willing to along with it until I see otherwise.

"I know this could just be some crazy theory, but I think he had something to do with it. Either he helped in the procedure and now feels guilty for it, or he witnessed it because he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and now it's left him in a deep state of trauma. This has been playing on my mind for a while now, but like I said it's probably just me over thinking it. It's the way he looks at it, he looks terrified."

"If he always looks scared then there's no way he could have been part of it, I think your theory could be right, Shiro. If he witnessed it happen, then it'd be no wonder he's traumatised. If that were me, i'd be scared shitless too."

"Language." Shiro said, surprised that Pidge even knew swear words at her age. "Since when did you curse?"

"It's called being influenced. Come on; tell me you haven't said at least one curse word while you've been here."

Shiro casted his mind back, remembering if there was anything he may have said.

"Oh shit!"


"Son of a bitch!"


"Fuck off, you piece of shit!"

"Rolo, don't be an asshole!"

"Fucking asshole!"

"Piss off, fuck face!"

"Fuck you!"

Shiro went quiet, not answering Pidge's question verbally. She could see in his eyes that the answer to her question was a yes, and she shook her head with a playful smirk on her face.

"Takashi Shirogane, I don't believe it. Wait until the others find out about this."

"Don't you dare."

"Kidding, kidding." Pidge reassured, leaning back in her seat. "Relax, your secret's safe with me."

"Ah, I see you two are catching up nicely." Thace smiled, he enjoyed seeing friends get along. "Can I interest you in a drink, Pidge?"

Thace placed down a glass of aquallia water, much to Pidge's surprise. Nevertheless, she accepted the kind offer and took a sip before thanking him.


"I would also like to say that I have prepared a bed for you, the princess has agreed that you may spend the night here before travelling back with Shiro to the other Paladins in the morning. Your Lion has been placed safely back in the hanger, she will be alright in there until morning."

"Thank you, Thace. I appreciate that. Hopefully the others won't be too worried about me."

"Worried? Why would they be worried?" Shiro asked, unsure of what was going on until it hit him. "Wait...did you not tell them were you going?"

"Yeah...no, no I didn't. I know I probably should have but I was in a rush. They'd all given up, and I wanted to prove them wrong by showing that you were alive. I could feel it, Shiro, you were out there somewhere and now that i've found you...I feel better, because I know now that all along I was right. I never gave up; you don't give up on friends."

"That is exactly right, little one." Thace nodded, able to see that Pidge had been raised well. "I see that you have been raised to be a brave young lady, someone who follows their heart. I like that, you remind me of myself when I left the Galra Empire. I followed my heart, and I advise that you always follow yours. Perhaps we can send a transmission to your friends, to let them know that you are alright."

Thace knew Pidge was a girl? I should have figured he'd be able to sense something like that, nothing can get past him, Shiro thought to himself.

"You can do that?" Pidge asked, not even sure why she was asking. The ship was made of advanced alien technology for God's sake; of course it was capable of doing things such as sending transmissions!

"Indeed. I will let you finish your drink, and then I will take you to were all transmissions are preformed. I'm sure it will be a big relief to the other Paladins that you are safe and well, though I imagine they will become quite concerned if I am present during the call, so I think it will be best if you were the only one present."

"Thace, maybe I can convince them-" Shiro suggested, but was cut off. The Galra shook his head, knowing such a thing wouldn't work.

"That will not work i'm afraid. The Princess of Altea will not take kindly to someone of my kind being with two of her Paladins. It is simply something I cannot risk, I am sorry."

"I unerstand." Pidge finished her drink, putting the glass down on the table. "Let's go start that transmission."

Thace nodded, both he and Pidge walking to another room. Shiro hoped that Pidge was beginning to see that Thace wasn't a bad person; he'd just been through a lot as far as he could make out (as much as he was able to get out of him anyway). He could easily see that his experience in the Galra Empire mustn't have been a good one, which is why he took pity on him.

Shiro looked at his prosthetic arm, sighing.

Thace...if you had to witness this happen, then i'm sorry. One day, if you do tell me the truth, I won't be mad at you, I promise. I'll do my best to understand, I will.

Why wouldn't he just tell him? He wasn't going to beat an answer out of him, that wouldn't be right- but why? What was it that made him so nervous? Was he scared Zarkon was going to come after him and try to make him rejoin the Empire? In all honesty, the whole 'keeping the past to myself' thing (as much as he hated to admit it) was getting annoying. Thace had comforted Shiro whenever he needed someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on whenever he was sad, so why couldn't Thace do the same thing?

Please Thace...just tell me what's going on. I might be able to help you if you just let me. All the nightmares you've had...all the times you've woke up screaming...it has to mean something. It has to lead me to some kind of clue as to what you went through. If I have to be honest, i'm starting to get scared. Not scared for myself, but for you. I'm sure you'll tell me in your own time, but don't shut us all away when we're not far. Just give us a chance...give me a chance to help you.

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