¢нαρтєя єιgнтєєи

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¢нαρтєя єιgнтєєи

"So why exactly did you decide to leave the Galra Empire, Thace?" Pidge asked, beginning to take a genuine interest in why Thace supposedly wasn't like other members of his kind. "I mean, something like that takes some serious balls, really serious balls."

Thace laughed at Pidge's choice of words, it reminded him of what Rolo would say when he was sometimes frustrated.

"I will admit it was not an easy task to complete, but what matters is that I got out without causing too much chaos. Though, that does not mean I escaped without scars, both of the physical and mental kind."

Physical and mental? Wow, it really sounds like he's been through a lot. I know I said I was only gonna trust him for Shiro's sake, but what if it's true? What if there are good Galrans out there? They can't all be evil, can they?

"I see. Well hey; at least you were able to get out. I'm guessing it feels good to finally be able to make your own choices, you don't have to follow orders from some old turtle."

"Old turtle?" Thace chuckled, a set of words he would have to keep a memo of. "That one is new, I will have to keep note of it. I do hope you enjoyed the tour of the ship, Pidge."

"I did. Thanks." Pidge removed her helmet from her head, holding it in her hands as she looked around the ship. "Rhilemian technology is out of this world."

"It is rather marvellous, isn't it, child? Yes, our views are the same on this topic. I shall take you to the main control room; your fascination has yet to end."

What more could there be?

After typing in the usual four digit code, Thace stepped aside so that Pidge could walk into the control room, her hazel eyes widening and glistening on awe at the amount of computers and monitors in each part of the room.

"This is...amazing! Absolutely amazing! How is this all possible?"

"Rhilemian technology, developed for hundreds of years to get were it is today. You see the race of the Rhilemians are quite similar to the Alteans, you may have noticed the pointed ears."

Pointed ears...are Rhilemians some kind of sister species to the Alteans? They must be if Thace says they're similar.

"I didn't notice that." Pidge said, finding a free space to put her green helmet down. Taking in everything in her sight, her awe ceased to end.

"Wow...just wow."

"Awesome, right?" Rolo leaned back in his seat, sighing. "Yeah, this is officially the life."

Rolling up a small sheet of paper, he took a strange looking lighter and proceeded to light up the end, putting it in his mouth.

"Rolo, please!" Thace insisted, knowing smoking would be a bad influence on Pidge. "No smoking in front of the Paladin. I'm terribly sorry about this, little one."

"I never got to finish my last one, so i'm finishing it now. Relax, it doesn't get me high."

Pidge had some kind of idea Rolo was a stoner the first time she met him, he had that particular vibe to him. Nyma though, not so much. She seemed much more sensible and mature than him, but only time would tell to see if they had really changed or not.

They've gotta be different now, they have to be. They're on our side now, and Thace is claiming not to be with the empire. He seems very protective of the princess from what he's told me so far.

"Let's go to another part of the ship, one were you cannot be influenced by the boy's smoking habits. Are you hungry at all? I can prepare some food for you if you are; there are still leftovers from this evening's dinner."

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