Victor x Suicidal!Reader Part 2 [You don't know anything.]

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(A/N)- Hey guys! I decided to keep going with this one. For this one shot- Yuuri has disappeared. Poof. Sorry, but he'll be back soon! I need requests- it's hard to come up with stuff on my own, so please help!! I just want you guys to know (since these one shot parts are dealing with a dark subject) that the world isn't so bad if you look really close. There is always something to do, and see. There's certainly a point to living. They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die. It does. It's called living. Our lives are short, and we need to make the most of them. Sometimes I hear people say, "What's the point? We're gonna die anyway." Well, yes we will die. But what about before that? I don't know about you- but there are so many things I want to do before I die. Visit Europe, Japan, Alaska. I want to get married, and have kids. I want to watch sunsets and eat ice cream. There are stressful and hard things- sometimes we all want to give up. But then I remember all I want to do and see, who I want to spend time with... and suddenly, all suffering is worth-while. I want to Live, Laugh, Love, and Learn- and if it comes with tough stuff, so be it. If you can't find meaning- then I say, either look harder or stop looking and just live, and one day you'll find that you've found it. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!

"H-hey... are you avake?" a voice asked, pushing it's way into your consciousness. It seemed so far away. You were nice and warm and comfortable. You were covered in blankets laying in a heavenly soft place... wait- soft?! Blankets?!

Your eyes shot open.

"Ah, you have lovely eyes. Vat is your name?" a man asked, from beside you. He had silver hair, blue eyes, and a cheerful demeanor. You stared at him, slightly taken aback by the compliment. That voice... it was familiar.

"Thank you, I'm (Y/N)... Who are you?" you asked, sitting up and rubbing your forehead. You had a pounding headache.

"My name is Victor Nikiforov. It's wonderful to officially meet you. I mean, earlier doesn't really count- because you were passed out," he said, rather nonchalantly- merrily, even.

Wait- Victor Nikiforov? The Victor Nikiforov- the professional ice skater?

"Yes, I suppose it didn't count if I were passed out..." you said, slowly. You were still discombobulated- you looked around, and it seemed the two of you were in a hotel room. It had one bed- which you were laying in and to your right was a window that took up the entire wall that overlooked the city of Moscow. The lights were bright in the dark night. They sparkled- before they had been blurry from your tears, but now they were clear.

"Vat vere you doing up zere on ze roof?" Victor asked, his jolly expression changed to one of concern.

"It's none of your business," you said, getting up from the bed, "I appreciate this. Thank you, for taking care of me- but I have to go now."

"At zis time of night?" Victor asked, standing up, "It's the middle of the night- vhy don't-"

"I can take care of myself! You don't know me! You don't know anything!  Look at you! Sitting there- smiling!" you yelled, storming out the door. Victor followed you.

"You're right! I don't! I don't know you- I have no right to ask... Just please. I want to get to know you- tell me what happened," Victor said, grabbing your arm.

You whipped around, giving him a look that shot daggers. You ripped your arm free, and stared at your feet.

"My best friend killed herself."

(A/N)- Thank you guys so much, and as always, see you next one shot! XD

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