You Are My Sunshine (Reyna)

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A/N: So I became bored, thought of the song 'You are my sunshine', couldn't get it out of my, so I decide to write a one-shot. I have to deal with this song in my head so you do too. Camp Jupiter is the same thing as New Rome (I was too lazy to write them with separate names). This also doesn't contain a lot of dialogue. Whoops.


It was a sunny day, the light was coming into the room from the windows in such great quantities it was becoming too much for even Will to handle, so blinds covered the windows. The only sounds in the room are the light breath of the room's occupant, the insistent buzz of the fluorescent lights, and the distance screams and laughs coming from outside. Laying on the bed in the corner of the room was the person unlucky enough to have ended up here. She remained unconscious and unaware, even as the door to the room creaked open.

Two people stood in the doorway, one had a face of shock and the other had a practiced look of calmness. Will walked over to the window and lifted the blinds a bit, and upon deciding that sun was still too bright he set them again. The other person -Reyna- had pulled a chair to the bedside and had once had put on unemotional mask. Will did what he had come to do- check heart rate, breathing, etc. - and with a nod and a smile at Reyna he exited the room.

Probably off to see Nico, Reyna mused in her head.

Soon enough her focus was drawn back onto your sleeping face. *** You had gone with- the now mortal- Apollo and Meg to go and find the missing campers and the oracle. Reyna had been against this of course, but you remain stubborn. During the 'fight' with Nero you had been knocked unconscious when one of Nero's two goons had hit you over the head. When you had been taken back to camp people had swarmed your room instantly. Percy had stayed for a few hours before returning home (he did have to study after all). Once Leo returned and learned of our current state, he immediately went to see you with Piper and Jason. Piper kept trying to bribe your unconscious form with the promise that you would be able to punch Leo when you woke up. Of course Leo was quick to protest this, but he soon shut up when Piper glared at him. ***

Apollo had been your most frequent visitor. He couldn't help but feel guilty (something he wasn't really used to.). First *** he lost Meg (well she wasn't really lost, more missing than anything). *** No he put your life in danger. Plus now that he is mortal Reyna would have no problem taking her anger out on him. That is why he was currently hiding out in his own cabin, he returned there when of the Roman Praetor's arrival.

As for Reyna, once you had been brought into the infirmary she had been notified of your... predicament. Unfortunately there was something she was trying to fix in New Rome. She wasn't able to come sooner since it required both praetors. But now that she is here she did not plan to leave until either you woke up or another Greek/Roman figure tried to take over the world again.

Reyna sighed as she finally decided to relax into her seat. She eyed your hand that was resting limp at your side. She hesitated and then held your hand in hers. The familiar feeling helped her to relax more. You had always insisted on holding her hand and eventually she gave in. It felt odd because you were always the one to initiate anything romantic. If Apollo wasn't needed to beat the rising threat, gods know what she would've done to him.

When you had meet Reyna it hadn't ended on the best of terms. Well unless you consider having to flee New Rome because someone (*cough* Leo *cough*) had destroyed part of it. Even though you were technically her enemy she found herself unable to get you out of her mind. After the war had ended you two became close and soon after started dating.

Now, here you were laying pale on a cot in Camp Half-Blood's infirmary. Will had told her that you were fine but Reyna understood what that meant. You weren't horrible but you weren't great either. You were just asleep, you were just fine. And that broke Reyna's heart.

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