"I wasn't asking for sex." He said firmly and shook his head.

"I'm sorry if it's hard for me to believe you'd actually want to hangout with for anything else. I mean, it's basically all we've done besides working on the project this week."

"That's what friends with benefits do, Avri."

"Where is the 'friends' part then?" I snapped and raised my eyebrows. "Seriously. When have we hung out this past week when it didn't include the project or having sex?"


"Exactly." I stated and turned to look for my jeans. But they weren't anywhere in his room and I groaned in annoyance. "Where the fuck are my jeans?"

"In the living room." He said and before he could say anything else, I stormed to the door and threw it open. He called something out behind me but I ignored him as I walked out in only my bra and underwear, eyes searching the floor for my jeans. I heard a gasp from the living room and I squealed when I looked up and found both Liam and Zayn staring at me wide eyed. Liam's eyes briefly fell on my body but he quickly threw his hands over his face while Zayn stared shamelessly, lips twitching in amusement. I quickly threw one hand over my lower half while the other arm was crossed over my chest. "I-," I stopped when I suddenly saw my jeans behind the couch. Hurriedly, I ran to them to pick them up then bolted back into Harry's room just as he was running out. He swiveled around as I passed him but I slammed his own bedroom door shut in his face. I was so embarrassed, especially since I had no idea how long they'd been out there. God what if they heard me?

I threw on my clothes quickly and ran my hand threw my tangled hair a few times before throwing the door open again. Moving back into the living room, I avoided all the eyes on me and headed straight for my bag. I was getting the hell out of here.

"Avriella." Harry called my name and I ignored him, turning to head for the door when I felt his warm touch clamping on my wrist. He lightly turned me around and held me by the shoulders. "Hey, it's okay."

"I need to go."

"We're not going to say anything, Avriella." I turned my head to see Liam looking at me with soft eyes. He gave me a small smile. "I promise I won't mention anything to Zendaya."

"You'll tell her, you're in love with her." I blurted and his eyes widened. I bit down on my lip when I realized what I had said and winced. "I'm sorry. I-,"

"It's okay." He interrupted and smiled. "I won't tell her if you don't tell her that."

"I never planned on it."

"Good." He sighed and my gaze swept back to Zayn when he chuckled.

"Who would have thought. I for sure thought it was just some random chick in there with all that noise. But it was sweet little old, Avriella." Zayn grinned and my face went red in embarrassment. Harry threw him a glare but I shrugged his hands off of me and ignored the way he kept looking at me.

"I didn't know you guys were here." I mumbled and shook my head. "Look, I'm sorry. I've gotta go." I turned quickly and stormed towards the door. I was so fucking humiliated, this had to be one of the worst moments of my life and the fact that Harry's mixed signals were giving me a whiplash were not helping. All week he had been so sweet to me but the moment I walked into his apartment today he'd been rather rude to me. I'd swear, he was on his man period.

"Avri." I heard behind me once I was out in the hallway. I paused, looking over my shoulder to find Harry standing there in only his black boxer briefs. "I'm sorry about that..." he mumbled and cleared his throat. "See you tomorrow?"

"It's Saturday." I stated.

"Yeah, but I thought we could work on the project?" He asked and I shook my head. I needed to put some space between us. One second he's sweet and the next he's rude. I was tired of it and it wasn't helping that each time I spent with him the more my feelings seemed to grow. I needed a break.

"No," I sighed and shook my head. "I'll just see you in class on Tuesday."


"Harry." I shook my head. "Just stop. I need a break. My body needs a break." More like my heart. "If you get horny, use your hand. Or I'm sure you've got some one else you can call up." I let the words slip out before I can stop them and turn my back abruptly to hide my crest fallen face from him. "See you."

I almost wish he had followed me and demanded we talked, but he hadn't. Like I said, people don't really change.

* * * * * * * *

Sorry it's so short but you wanted a double update so here it is!


What is with Harry's mood swings?

Why are boys so confusing?

Vote + comment! Will update again soon :)

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