I stepped into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of a flour covered Waverly helping Minky bake, and Snape sitting at the table with Mavis in his arms, letting her play with the buttons of his coat as he flipped through the Evening Prophet.

"Hermione look! I'm making pie!" Waverly exclaimed, running over to me, her smile was wide, her eyes shining with happiness.

I took a deep breath. "Mm, smells heavenly. What kind of pie are you making?"

Minky looked up at me and winked. "'Tis a Christmas surprise for Master, Miss Waverly mustn't tell!"

"Oh, I see." I winked back at the two and headed over to the man sitting with his second daughter. I looked over his shoulder and scoffed at the headline.

'Granger strikes back! Is that a baby? How many more secrets are they hiding?'

He pushed away the newspaper, wrapping both arms around his tiny child. "Care to read the paper? I'm afraid it's rather dull this evening. More so than usual, I'm afraid."

I sat in the chair beside him, offering a small smile to Mavis. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. "I didn't take you for the dessert type." I said, taking one of the infant's hands.

My instructor rolled his eyes. "You clearly don't know me very well, Miss Granger." I giggled at his response, he continued, "I happen to have quite the sweet tooth."

I gestured to the dark haired girl, rolling out dough with the guidance of the house elf. "I suppose it would explain your daughter's love of candy."

He stood from his seat, walking over to the island, transfiguring an extra chair into one suitable for his youngest and sitting her in it. He gathered a few different ingredients from the pantry and the cold cupboard that held a cooling charm. It was a wizard's refrigerator, since they didn't have electricity. I often wondered why it hadn't been introduced to the wizarding world. Many could benefit from it.

He started mincing different fruits and vegetables, before turning to the girls making pie. "Wavy, does your sister have an intolerance to anything?"

She nodded, wiping her flour covered hands on her apron. "Blueberries."

He raised an eyebrow. "What the the devil kind of allergy is that?"

I lifted a hand to my mouth to stifle a laugh. Waverly openly giggled. "She's not allergic, papa, she just doesn't like them."

The Potions' professor glared at the toddler. Mavis looked up at him, reaching out to her father. "If I have any say in it, you are going to eat your blasted berries. End of story." He said to her, shaking a spoon in her direction. The baby simply laughed. "Understood?" He asked, trying to get some sort of response other than laughter.

Mavis whimpered at the imposing man before her. "Henry!" She cried, hiding her face behind her tiny hands.

The two other Snapes stared at her curiously. Snape mouthed the name, eyebrows creased, as he searched his memory. "Who the bloody hell is Henry?"

Waverly shrugged, turning back to her baking. Minky stepped forward and pushed a small bowl of mushed blueberries across the highchair's table. "Here, Miss Mavis. Berries."

The baby merely cried in response, wailing at the sight of the small portion of fruit. "I told you, papa, she doesn't like blueberries! You're upsetting her!"

He turned to his eldest, eyes flashing darkly. "You try my patience, girl."

"Professor!" I exclaimed, rising from my seat and taking the baby into my arms, rocking her. I shushed her, keeping my voice at a level where I could soothe her. Another upset Snape was the last thing we needed. "It's Christmas, you ought not be arguing. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourselves!"

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