Accepting the Demise

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Chapter Fifty: Accepting the Demise

Trying to regain strength to get out of bed, I end up groaning and brushing my tangled and poofy hair back and out of my face with my hands. I stand on my feet and slowly walk my way to the bathroom where I sit on the toilet and try to make my hair look manageable, while brushing my teeth afterwards. After getting down the stairs, I head towards the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal.

            “You okay?” Periwinkle asks as she makes her coffee.

            “Yeah . . .” I trail off, nodding.

            After a while in silence, I drink the milk inside the bowl and once I put it inside the sink, the sound of the front door opens and Jessie comes in with a smile. “You got mail,” she announces, handing me an envelope that has the address of the army base that Errik is at.

            It’s already been three months without him and it does feel a little weird since I’m so used to being with him and Freddy around, but I guess I can live with it. Opening the envelope and letter, I read the following:

            Dear Raven,

        I’m so happy to finally write to you. I’ve been bragging about it so much that I pissed off Freddy. Any who, I just want to say how much I miss you and love you. How is everything at home? Is Periwinkle and Jessie okay? Most importantly, are you fine? I know how much hurt Kenton and I put you through, so please, open up to me. I don’t want to come back home with you all whiny again. If you could, can you stop by the restaurant to see if it has burned down yet? Ha-ha. I don’t exactly trust my co-workers and employees, as you can already tell. Also, I was wondering if you want to go back to the apartment. I heard that you need a place of your own, and since everything is fine between us, you may go back to keep Periwinkle from killing you. There should be a key under the mat. I know . . . terrible place. But where else am I supposed to put it? I love you so very much. Hope to hear from you soon.



            I stare at the notebook paper and grin, happy to see that he’s all right. Once I hear silence, I gaze behind me and see Periwinkle and Jessie overlooking the letter. “And you guys are reading it because . . .” I keep a long note on the “S” making it sound like a “Z.”

            “We like to read your private stuff,” Periwinkle begins, chuckling. “I mean, it is you that makes our lives so interesting.” She uses sarcasm, but I don’t mind.

            “And besides, why aren’t you using the laptop to send him emails? Isn’t faster and easier that way?” Jessie questions as she’s sipping on her cup of coffee when she sits down in the chair beside me.

            “It is, but I like it meaningful. Something I’m able to hold onto, keep and remember that he touched this very piece of paper,” I reply.

            “Hmm,” she hums, nodding her head with her eyebrows arching upwards. “Whatever,” she sings.

            “Anyways . . . got any plans?” I ask, crossing my arms and slouching on the chair.

            “Not really . . . I’m actually going to go out of town for the weekend. Xavior and I are gonna spend it in North Carolina where his family is.” She nods her head, drinking her coffee carefully as she blows on it every time she takes a sip.

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