The Fallen Tears

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Chapter Four: The Fallen Tears

"I don't want you to go." I hold him tight in my arms, unable to let go. He's so warm and with him, I feel safe.

            "I have to go, Raven. I'm sorry." He hugs me back, his soothing breaths remain on me.

            "Can't you just quit of being a soldier and be with me?" I frown, breaking eye contact with him and backing away a bit. I trace my fingers and palms on his army suit, memorizing the fabric, his touch, the warmth on his skin.

            "You know I can't do what you did," he pauses, taking his index finger and putting it up to my chin. "I wish I could, but this is something I need to do,” he says softly. I know it’s something he needs to do, but I don’t want him to go. I need him here with me—I need him to be safe. How could I know if we’re an entire ocean away from each other?

            "What is there to do?" I snap, but bite my lip in wanting to take it back, but I can’t. I already said it so there isn’t much to do.

            "Raven, can't you just cheer me on and support me?"

            "I do support you, Kenton. I just don't want to receive a condolence letter––"

            "And you won't. I promise. Everything will be all right. Once I come home, we'll get married and start a family; we'll begin a whole new life and we'll take adventures to fantastic places." His gorgeous, brown eyes locks on mine. I can see the chocolate in them, swirling around and making candies that will allow me to taste them.

It's bad enough that I went and almost died, but what's worse is not knowing if he'll die in that combat-zone.

            I narrow my eyes at him, still forming my frown. "Promise?" It isn’t something I want to say, but I do so anyways.

            "I promise."

            "Cross your heart?" My eyebrows arch upwards, like it’s a joke.

            "I cross my heart too." His finger traces an "X" over his chest and holds his hand up for an honors oath.

            I chuckle and bring my head closer to his. "I love you," I announce, putting a smile on my face.

            "I love you too," he whispers, putting his lips against mine. The sparks fly up into the air and create fireworks, bursting from every angle and making a loud boom. His tongue grazes against mine and I want to keep this moment here forever, not wanting to let it go.

            But before I know it, the warmth of his lips depart from mine, and I hear the driver’s door slam shut and the car making its way down the neighborhood. He never was great with goodbyes, but I suppose it’s okay, since I’m not either.

            A slight breeze brushes passed my skin, creating goose bumps all over my arms. I quiver just for a few seconds and watch the tail lights of the car disappear into the darkness, as it is midnight.

            For a moment, I think he will be all right going off to war. But then again, I don't know what'll happen while he manages to be his brave self. I think of all of the possibilities of what could happen that is a horrid, but I'm praying that it all won't come true.

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