Happiness & Sadness

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Chapter Thirty-five: Happiness & Sadness

“How is that book coming?” Errik interrupts my writing, which makes me want to twitch that he thinks it’s fine to interrupt someone when they’re in the middle of doing something.

            “Dude, I’m in the zone!” I yell with an almost smile on my lips.

            “Okay . . . do ya want me to leave and come back later?” I roll my eyes and close the laptop, looking out to the horizon with the sunset above the water. It’s so beautiful with the sky looking dark and light blue with peach and then a pink color.

            Shaking my head, I say, “Nah. I think I’ve had enough writing for one day.” He laughs and I see the others coming to us. Standing up off the sand, Errik mimics my movement and follows me as we all stop midway.

            “Wanna go boating, since it’s our last day?” Xavior inquires and I nod in agreement.

            Heading down to the dock, we all get inside the boat and we start “her” up and leaving the shore. “This is so wonderful,” I begin, lying down on the comfy bench allowing the sun to beam on my body in my bikini. Everyone knows about my scars now and I like how I’m not keeping them a secret anymore. It’s nice to feel free. To feel like nothing will ever go wrong.

            “Ya got that right.” Errik smiles as he kisses me.

            “Ohh!” everyone’s voice chimes in at the same time. Sitting up, I shake my head.

            “You all are so immature.” Looking to Errik, I laugh.

            “Of course; we’re all immature in our own ways,” Freddy says and the sound cuts itself off as I bring my lips to Errik’s. With eyes closed, I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist as our mouths collide and graze against each other’s. “Get a room!” Freddy yells and I wave to him as if to say we have a room, but you’re in it. Or a no, basically.

            When our lips break apart, I look out to the gorgeous sky with the stars beginning to shine. “So . . . does this mean that you’ve recovered?” Jessie questions, and for a moment, I ponder the answer. I want to say yes, but I can’t exactly say it as I still have feelings towards Kenton, but what do I say? I don’t want to say no; to make them think I’m kissing Errik and all but haven’t moved on yet. But I don’t want to say yes either because it breaks my heart if I truly did move on, and I know I haven’t.

            “Yes,” I say. It isn’t really a lie; I’m just . . . unsure. But I don’t want to keep them keep guessing or make them disappointed.

            “You know what; this is a call for a celebration!” Periwinkle calls over her shoulder as she dives into the cellar.

            It’s quiet for a few moments until she comes back up with a bottle of champagne and six glasses. “Woohoo!” everyone shouts; even I do. After Periwinkle pours the alcohol into the glasses, we all hold them up.

            “To better days, recovery of a lost love, and greater years ahead of us,” Periwinkle says, making the toast and we all nod our heads in agreement.

            “Better days, recovery of a lost love, and greater years,” we repeat and drink. This is probably the first time I have ever felt happy; not just with pure content, but the kind of happy to almost admit the recovery, to finally get past it.

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