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Chapter Thirty-eight: Apologies

Ringing the doorbell, Periwinkle comes and opens the door, still wearing her pajamas. “What d-ya want?” Her voice is groggy and I can tell she isn’t in the state where she’s able to comprehend anything around her.

            “I need to talk to you and Freddy,” I say in a harsh tone, but I don’t feel in the least guilty for being rude.

            Her body is swaying like she drank a few shots and is drowsy. “You’re going to talk to me like that?” Her eyebrows rise like she wants to start a fight.

            “Of course I am,” I reply, putting my hands on my hips. “Now where’s Freddy?”

            “Right here,” he says, coming through the doorway. “Why are you here, Raven?”

            “Why are you acting like a jerk? Errik has been trying to apologize to you, and all you’re doing is rejecting it. First it was ‘you can’t be with him; he’s a bad guy.’ Then it was ‘I’ll try to be nice,’ and now it’s ‘I hate him because he messed up my story-telling.’ Can’t you get a grip and forgive him? You’re acting like a child, Freddy.” I stare blankly at him, trying to comprehend why he’s like this.

            “Come inside,” he orders through his teeth like he was trying so hard to not say that. I do so and when the door closes behind me, he makes me walk to the living room. Closing his eyes, he ponders for a few seconds to think of what he has to say to me. Periwinkle—to the side by the wall—just stands with her arms crossing each other against her tors like she doesn’t want to be a part of the fight. “It’s not the fact that he was a sore loser.”

            “So why are you angry?”

            “Because he’s dating you!” he bellows. As my eyes trail down to his hands I see that they’re in fists like he wants to punch a wall. “I don’t want him dating you,” he says more calmly.

            “Why?” I whisper, my brows furrowing. The reason for his behavior is because of me dating some guy? I don’t see why he has to be like this; so stubborn and doesn’t like to tell the full truth. I know that there is something going on that I’m not getting, but what could it be? How does he know that Errik is such a bad guy? How can he know such a thing? I remember, in my dreams, that Kenton had once said that they were all together and then something tragic happened which sparked up the hate from Freddy towards Errik. But what could that be? I also recall that Kenton did say that Errik wasn’t even a bad guy, he was good. So why does Freddy have to be in this type of state of hatred?

            “Because . . . I just don’t want him to,” he answers.

            “Here we go again!” Spinning around, my eyes dart over to the chair behind me and I sit in it. “Why do you keep doing this?”

            “Doing what?” he asks, as if he doesn’t know what he has been saying ever since I met Errik.

            “Telling me how I should live my life!” I snap, feeling the painful wound that is starting to form in my palm. Glaring towards my hand, I realize that my knuckles have turned white because my palm clenched into a fist. Standing up and pointing a finger at him, I say, “You always do this, Freddy. I’m sick of it. This is my life, not yours. Not Periwinkle’s. Not Jessie’s. Mine. You are not my father; you can’t tell me who I should or shouldn’t see or be with. You can’t tell me how to live and who to meet. I get that you are just trying to be a good friend and protecting me, but let me make my own mistakes. That is the only way how I will learn. So please, let it go and let me be.”

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