The Kiss of Love

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Chapter Forty: The Kiss of Love

Throwing things upon the couch from shopping, I sit on the nearest chair and take a deep breath. “For a girl who loves shopping, I didn’t know you’d be so tired,” Errik comments, tossing his keys into a glass bowl on a table by the hallway towards the front door.

            “For a guy who doesn’t know how to shop, you sure buy a lot of stuff,” I retort and we both begin chuckling.

            “Touché,” he says. Inkspot runs from his bedroom into the kitchen to eat from her bowl and drink some water. For a good few moments, which feels like forever, it’s silent. No sound and no movement. And when Errik’s eyes come in contact with mine, he comes towards me. Sitting on my lap, he gestures his hands gently on my right cheek and just below my chin, upon my neck.

            “What are you doing?” I whisper, knowing exactly what he’s doing. But for some reason, I don’t stop him.

            He giggles, but looks into my eyes right afterwards. “What I’ve always wanted to do.” Moderately closing his eyes, his face comes towards mine. His breath smells like peppermint and when he softly kisses my lips it’s like the world has just seen the sun explode as fireworks burst from every direction within my mind. I want to stop but I don’t. Why? Am I really ready for this?

            I close my eyes and slowly wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue sticks out as my lips kisses it and within a few minutes of repeating it, it gets fierce. Laughing as his lips travel towards my neck, he says, “I never knew ya were so soft.”

            “I didn’t know how gentle you were.” I raise my eyebrows and he smiles. Without doing any other actions, he sits here biting his lip in ponder. Slyly smiling, he stands and puts his hand out and I take it. We head over to the bedroom and right when we get in, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. Within the time as our lips haven’t been broken yet, he takes off his shirt and unbuckles his belt, for which shows his complete chest and his red boxers. I unbutton my own shirt and take my jeans off as it shows my bra and underwear.

            We land on the bed and his fingertips graze against my thighs; it kind of feels weird when it’s a completely different feeling for which Kenton hasn’t done; not for a while.

            He comes towards me and his body is cold, but warmth starts to take place and by the time I can feel it, his lips touches mine.

            Heavy breathing starts to form within my mouth and nostrils as kissing him and “exercising” doesn’t exactly go well together when trying to breathe regularly. My heart is beating faster than normal and the way it all feels feels so good. Even if it is sudden, I believe it was meant to be.

            His lips leave my own as it trails towards my neck and downwards, and back up again. “I love you,” he whispers into my ear.

            “I love you too.” I kiss him again and again.


Rain falls hard off of the window as I lie here completely naked inside sheets beside Errik. My fingers fiddle around with the small hairs on his chest as I listen to his heartbeat within the silence around us. He’s asleep and has been for the past hour. I’ve been wide awake, remembering the feeling and the scenery of how we got here. But I’ve also been pondering through questions I should’ve asked myself before I agreed to us having sex.

            What about Kenton? Raven, you moved on. You don’t need a written consent from him to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Should this be happening? Nothing is too early or too late. If you feel as if it was the right time, you’re not moving too fast. Why do I feel guilty? Maybe a part of you hasn’t exactly moved on, but you know that isn’t true because you did say goodbye to Kenton. You did give your last words to him. So what is stopping you from moving on? You’ve already recovered, haven’t you?

            The voice in my head is true. If this was the right time, it was the right time. We’ve been together now for a few months, we aren’t moving too fast . . . are we?

            Looking at his beautiful blonde curls in his hair, I give him a kiss on the head and slowly move my way out of bed, taking the sheet with me of course. Heading into the bathroom, I put on the shower and get in. Soaking my body, I lean against the wall and slowly go down towards the tub like the world is crushing me. I don’t understand why I’m feeling powerless like I was before I ever met Errik, when it felt like demons were coming for me. Maybe there is a part of me that still feels sorrow? Maybe I haven’t even recovered and I tricked myself into believing it?

            After shampooing and conditioning my hair, I get out and dry myself off. When I arrive in his bedroom, he’s not in his bed and my clothes are neatly laid out on his bed. A bit confused, yet happy that I don’t have to search his room for clothes that were probably long gone. I quickly put them on and head towards the living room area, where I find Errik himself in front of the stove, making breakfast.

            “Making omelets, want one?” he asks and I nod. I sit down on the couch and turn on the television only to find nothing on, so I press the mute button. He comes beside me and gives me a long kiss on the lips like he didn’t do it before. “Ya were wonderful.” He grins.

            “Yeah . . .” I trail off, feeling a bit awkward.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “I just feel a bit weird.”

            “Still thinking about Kenton?” he asks and my eyes snap to his. “I could tell that ya weren’t exactly into it at all last night. I mean, it looked like you enjoyed it, but not what ya were thinking of, right? Something tells me that ya were hoping to regenerate the past.”

            Gazing down, I say, “Yes . . .”

            “No worries, Ray. When my last girlfriend dumped me, I was hoping my next one would help me through, ya know, remind me a bit. But I suddenly realized that thinking of her is only going to make it hard on me,” he begins. “Yer not alone and you know I’m here.”

            I nod, “Okay.”

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