Dreams Never Lie

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Chapter Seven: Dreams Never Lie

Climbing in the bed, I turn off the light and snuggle in my blankets. I honestly have no idea why dreams come so real, yet it's nothing but a fantasy. Whenever I dream, it's usually nightmares of him dying. Is he trying to contact me? Is he trying to tell me something? What is it?

            Closing my eyes, my mind consumes my dreams.

            Glancing around, I see I'm in a dimly lighted room. Where am I? Catching a breath, I lock my eyes on one place, as I notice a dark figure sitting down. Should I say something? Who is it? I can tell that the figure keeps its eyes locked on me.

            The body stands up, but it stays in the obscurity. Its hand gestures into a small hallway, that I just notice that has appeared. It's a dream, Raven. Nothing is real. Anything can happen, I think. I nod, unknowing if it can see me in the darkness. The hallway is covered by just a window, from the sides to the roof; rain taps on it as it falls onto the ground, which is covered by skeletons. Ravens and crows flap their wings in the sky. Long, white lightning strikes hit the same place, making the skeletons come alive and become the dead, zombie-like creatures but without flesh. Their appearance scares me, but I don't show emotion to them, for who knows what they could do. They can break through the glass, for all I know.

            I can't see in the front of me, where this hallway is taking me, since it's just covered by darkness. The silhouette is gone, and the way I came in is covered by black shadows. It's all right, it's all right, I tell myself over and over.

            I enter a white room—no dimness—just a white, blank room. I glance around, there's nothing in here until a mirror appears in front of me. I pace my way up to it, glancing at myself. A brown poofy dress is on me, like the ones from the very olden days where women would go to balls and dance around in these things. It's kind of like a princess dress. Everything else about me is normal; my hair, my eyes, my face, and my skin—all the same as in reality.

            "Hello," a voice echoes in the room. I turn around to see Kenton in front of me. My eyes meet his and all I see are his brown eyes glaring down at me, with black bags underneath them, like he hasn't slept in days. His blonde hair has darkened to a light brown, like he dyed it. His lips are a red color, but in some type of way, I can smell blood upon him. His skin is white as winter, like he turned into a vampire.

            "Hello." I can't help but keep staring at his stature. He's scary, but his physique is magnificent. I haven't seen him since he left me to go towards war. But he seems different now, like he's changed overtime. I know I'm in a dream, but he's my fiancé, how can I ignore the fact that he's here in front of me? How can I ignore the love that we shared?

            "You've come just in time." His voice is cold, but I hold my tongue, not to say anything that questions his bitter attitude. "You must come here and join me, my love." He holds out his hand for me to take it, and I do so. His skin is freezing, like he bathed in ice. We walk over to a wall, as it shows us the outside world. I have to admit, this is really cool, but it is just a dream after all.

            The skeletons that turned into creepy zombie-like creatures appear to have flesh growing upon their bones. I get chills from watching such a thing. Wings emerge out from their backs as they spread out wide. Flapping their feathered annexes, they fly up into the sky.

"What is going on?" I question, confusion burning in the back of my mind, especially on why Kenton wanted me to see this.

            "Do you miss me?" He keeps his head straight, glaring at the scene, ignoring my question.

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