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Rhalla woke up in the early morning for her first Valyrian lesson with the Stark children. She was nervous, to say the least, and she hadn't used the language in a long time, although she found a few books after asking Maester Luwin where she could revise what she knew, and consulting with him about various matters the night prior.

She readied herself, wearing a simple dress with her winter coat to protect herself from the freezing cold, and her hair tied into a braid, then walked to the courtyard where Bran and Arya were taking lessons with the Maester himself. They were sat on a table up a platform that overlooked an empty training yard. Rhalla stood not far from them and waited until they were done.

"Highgarden. Lords.. the Tyrells. Sigil.. uh.. a flower? Words.. Growing Strong." Arya answered as the Maester pointed at the location on the map with a wooden stick.
"Good. Your turn." the tutor then flipped the stick and tapped it on another spot of the map, this time questioning Bran.

At that moment, Robb, the dark curly haired young man from before and another lean and dark youth came into the training yard to practice their sword fighting.
Rhalla watched them, standing discreetly with her hands holding the heavy books.

The young men drew their swords and trained for a long time, wearing their leather armors and dancing around each other, not noticing her presence. Rhalla could see Robb's impressive talents, and his muscular built helping him take down his brothers-in-arms very easily. The only man she saw with a sword, apart from the Dothraki, was her brother, Viserys, and he was quite bad at it.

"Focus, Bran." the Maester yelled at the young boy who was watching his brother fight with admiration.
"Now, that's enough for today. Lady Rhalla will take over. Be nice, young lads." Maester Luwin said before he stood up and slowly walked out of the table, then Rhalla disposed the books on the table and walked up the few steps to sit in his stead.

"Good morning." she smiled to the kids, but none of them answered her. They were busy watching the display in front of them.
"Hello." Rhalla insisted.
"Good morning, lady Rhalla." Arya greeted, finally breaking from her reverie.
"Just call me Rhalla. Are you excited to learn Valyrian?" she said, already feeling the nerves.
"I'm not. She is." Bran pointed at his sister.
"Fair enough. First, I need to know if you know any word in Valyrian?" she questioned.
The Stark children shook their heads, and she sighed.

It's going to be a long day, she thought.

"Alright, let us start with the basics." Rhalla said as she flipped through the pages of one of her manuals.


The lesson went on well, surpassing Rhalla's expectations. Although the children were distracted, and she as well, glancing in the young lord's direction every now and again, she managed to teach them a few High Valyrian words. She dismissed them after they were done for this time. Bran joined his brother in the courtyard, but Arya stayed.
"Something on your mind, Arya?" she asked while collecting her things.
"You told me you were going to tell me about the Targaryens." the young lady reminded.
"Oh! Uh.. yes. What would you like to know?" Rhalla stuttered, sitting back next to Arya.
"Everything." the girl said excitedly.

"Alright. So, the Targaryen conquest started over 300 years ago, when Aegon the Conqueror rode his dragon Belerion, along with his sisters and wives, Rhaenys and Visenya riding Vhagar and Meraxes, to Westeros and unified all of the six independent kingdoms into one kingdom under one ruler, crushing those who wouldn't bend the knee, and sparing those who pledged loyalty to him when they saw they couldn't win against the army and the three massive dragons. Visenya had a sword she called Dark Sister, made of Valyrian Steel. They were all great warriors. Since then, the Targaryen ruled with a firm hand, with Fire and Blood. You see, that's-"

"What are you telling her now?" Robb interrupted, his breath heavy from training and his tone firm and angry. Rhalla didn't even notice him when he came closer and listened in.
"I-" she stuttered.
"Arya, go to your room." the young lord ordered.
"Why?" Arya defied him. The young lady was reckless and showed great interest to what the princess was narrating.
Robb sighed, "I just want to talk to lady Rhalla for a moment." he said softly.

Arya got up and ran from the courtyard, while the dark haired beauty walked down the stairs to Robb with her books in her hand and stood tall in front of him.
"Yes, what is it?" Rhalla asked.
"Why do you fill my sister's head with your house's history?" he questioned.
"I'm not filling her head. It is common knowledge that the Targaryens were a dynasty not easily outdone. Your sister asked to know, and I did as I was bid. If you want to be mad at someone, take it up with your father, not me." she said, shooting daggers with her big blue eyes.

"My father told you to teach her High Valyrian." Robb corrected, and before Rhalla could answer, his friends came from the back and patted him on the back.
"Leave the lady alone, Robb." one of them said as he bowed and took her hand, "Theon Greyjoy, my lady." he smirked as he kissed her hand.
Rhalla felt very awkward, but she smiled and pulled her hand from his grasp as soon as he rose again.

"You didn't tell us what a lovely woman our new guest is." Theon said, resting his hand on Robb's shoulder, "Right, Jon?"
"Oh.. yes. I am Jon Snow, my lady. Pleased to finally meet you." the curly haired said in his northern accent.
"Rhalla." she inclined her head. Although still a foreigner to Westerosi customs, she knew that children of illegitimate birth born to nobles are given a surname related to the region they are from, thus, she concluded that Jon was Ned Stark's bastard. A strange thing to understand from a man of honor.

After standing with the three men made her feel uncomfortable enough, especially with the dark glares Robb was giving her, she decided to leave.
"If you'll excuse me." she curtsied then turned on her heel, sighing from relief then walked out of the courtyard.

"We hope to see you again, lady Rhalla." Theon yelled from a distance, and she only turned to nod before resuming her walk with faster steps.

"What is wrong with you?" Theon asked Robb after the young lady vanished into the keep, "If I were given the chance to marry her, you bet I would! I mean, did you see her?"
"She's all yours. I don't trust her." the young lord said, his tone full of suspicions and accusations towards the Targaryen princess.
"Why not?" Jon asked.
"She's a Targaryen. Why would a Targaryen accept to come North if not for vengeance?" Robb said.
"You don't know her, Robb. We don't know her story, nor what she's been through." Jon reasoned.
"Not like I care." Theon scoffed, then left his friends with a smug face and arrogant walk, while Robb and Jon looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

Rhalla sat on her bed, angry that Robb was the only one to show her lack of respect. The others were kind enough towards her, and the young lord woke in her anger, a rage that she hadn't felt in her life.

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