Taking the Black

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Rhalla stood with Jon as they watched the men ride behind the lord of Winterfell and the king for the royal boar hunt.

Robb didn't take his eyes off the princess, even when he was speaking to his uncle, Benjen, and when she remembered the moment they shared the day prior, she instantly blushed.

After they talked in the Godswood for a very long time, they sneaked out of the courtyard so no one would see them and he escorted her to her room and kissed her sweetly before he left.
She barely slept the whole night from joy, and in the morning, before he mounted his horse, he promised he'd find her again when he comes back.

"You two seem to have.. talked well." Jon remarked, and she glared at him before returning to her exchange of glances with the young lord, who looked totally handsome on top of his white stallion.

After he left, Jon and Rhalla sat in their usual spot; on the bench in the training yard.
"So it seems lord Stark is going south after all." she said.
"Aye! He couldn't refuse. His friend needs him." Jon told.
"He's a good man." Rhalla smiled, "It'll be strange to live in the castle without Arya, Sansa and Bran around, right? It'll just be you, me, Robb and Theon."

As soon as she said that, she noticed Jon's expression turning into a serious one and his dark eyes lowered to the ground.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"Rhalla, I have to tell you something." he started, his voice shaky and nervous.
"You're scaring me, Jon. What is it?" she questioned, her face full of worry.

"I'll be leaving too to become a sworn brother of the Night's Watch." he revealed.
Rhalla's jaw dropped, and her blue eyes widened.
"What?" she exclaimed, "But why?"
He sighed, "There is no future for me here as a bastard."
Rhalla bent and rested her elbows on her knees, looking directly into his eyes.

"Don't say that. Robb regards you as a brother. You are part of the family. Lady Catelyn might not be your mother, but you are a Stark." she tried to convince him.

"Even so, there is nothing left for me here. At Castle Black, I can find a new purpose, new brothers. I can help them guard the kingdom as they have for a thousand years. It is an honorable cause." he explained.
"You can stay here and help Robb. When your father leaves, he will act as the new Lord of Winterfell." she insisted.
Jon chuckled, "Robb doesn't need my help, trust me."

Rhalla puffed out air when she ran out of arguments.
"I guess there is no convincing you to stay then." she said.
"It's for the best." he told her.
"So you'll leave me alone?" she complained.
"Well, you don't seem lonely anymore." he scoffed.
"Shut up." she narrowed her eyes.

"I'll miss you, but at least we still have a few days before I leave. We'll try to make the best out of them." he said enthusiastically, and she smiled.

She was going to miss him dearly. In only a short amount of time, she got attached to him more then she thought she would. He was like a brother, and her dearest friend. The first she ever had, in fact.

"Alright. Then let's shoot some arrows. You promised you'll make me a master archer." she said as she stood up.
"I don't think that's possible anymore.. but I'll try to uphold my promise, my lady." he smiled.

The two stayed in the training yard for quite some time, and Rhalla wouldn't give up until she'd get that arrow in the central ring. She was very close to attaining her goal, but she still had some work to do. But while she was aiming, she heard screaming from afar.

"What's that?" she asked.
"That's lady Stark's scream. Trust me, I heard it many times." he scoffed.
The sharp screaming continued, and the two ran following the direction from which the sound came until they arrived in front of the Broken Tower where they found a bleeding and unconscious Bran with his mother kneeling to his side and weeping.

"Seven hells! What happened?"

The men came back from the hunt shortly after Bran had been carried to his room to be tended to by the Maester.
Ned Stark had been informed of the accident by a guard as soon as he arrived and he ran inside the keep followed by Robb to check up on him.

Rhalla remained in the corridor outside the room where the young boy was along with his mother and his siblings, and she watched as Ned and Robb stormed inside the room.

Not after long, all came out of the room, crying, and left when the Maester wouldn't allow them to see Bran until he studies his state.
Robb was the last to come out of the chamber.
He closed the door behind him and stood for a while, looking blankly at the princess who watched him with worry.

They were alone in the hall, and he suddenly jumped into her arms and hugged her very tightly. She wrapped her arms around him, and listened as he silently cried on her shoulder.
"I lost my brother." he said, and she felt so heartbroken that she couldn't bear seeing him like that.

Tears started pouring down her face, and she rubbed his back with her hands to try and soothe him. The way he held her was so firm and tight, as if he was worried she would leave. The way he mourned over his brother made her realize how young he was, just like her.
Behind his constant disguise of a strong man was a fragile young boy who needed love and who loved his family.

She hoped there was anything she could tell Robb to make him feel better, but she herself was still in shock of the scene she saw earlier, and she felt so sorry for the boy. He was so good and kind. The bravest child she ever met.

After what felt like a lifetime in each other's arms, Maester Luwin quickly opened the door and came out of the room.

"He will live."

_______________________________Don't cry baby, don't cry :(

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Don't cry baby, don't cry :(

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