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The clamoring of the crowd kept on going for quite some time, and when it finally stopped among the members who attended the council meeting, the camp only got word of it and shouted "King in the North" the whole evening in rejoice of the Young Wolf's new position, and the army's new purpose.

When the nobles started dispersing and returning to their tents, Rhalla ran up following Robb, completely abandoning Robin behind. The new king was now followed by more guards, naturally, but they allowed her entrance as soon as they saw her approaching, for they knew how highly the young lord regarded her.

She found the Young Wolf standing in front of his desk, pensive and distracted, and she could immediately see how tired he looked. Sure, he was all proud when he was crowned, and he put on the man's mask he only wore when surrounded by his men, but now, alone and away from the burden of leading, he was so young, and still deeply saddened by the loss of his father.

"I'm proud of you." she said, surprising him when he didn't even notice her presence.
"Thank you." he put on a smile for her, "Though, I didn't do anything. They were the ones to name me king."
"You're wrong!" she objected, taking slow strides towards him and trying to hold the urge to jump in his arms, reminding herself that he was no longer to be hers.

"You led these men into battle, and you've proven yourself. They respected your father, and now they respect you too. You should be proud of what you have accomplished." she encouraged.
"How are feeling?" she continued when he gave her no answer but the shadow of a smile.

"Honestly? I don't know how I can do this." he revealed as he sat on a chair around the table.
Rhalla did the same, listening carefully at what the man she loved said, her eyes moving back and forth between his beautiful lips moving with every word, and the deep blue of his eyes.
"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I could barely put up with being the Lord of Winterfell. How can I be king to those people? Most of these men are seasoned warriors. I am but a boy in their eyes." he continued.

"And yet, they made you king, because they believe in you." Rhalla interrupted, "You have a good heart, good skills for planning battles. You've won so many great battles. The Whispering Wood for instance, the Camps. Your plans have worked, and you are a good warrior too. You must trust yourself. You will make a good king. I know it."

"Besides, you won't have to do this alone. You have good advisors in your army. Your mother supports you, and everyone in here. I do too. I swore I'd help you no matter what, and in any way I can, and I will." she promised, gently placing her hand on top of his.

Robb smiled before holding her hand and kissing it, thankful for the words she told when he needed them the most.
"Thank you, Rhalla. You are a true light." he said sweetly.
She met his smile with hers, and they looked intensely at each other's eyes, which reminded her that the love she felt for him was stronger than she thought, and deeper than any words could express.

But when she got lost in the blue of his eyes, he quickly got up and walked to the exit of the tent.
"I need to speak with the Kingslayer. You should leave as well. Get some rest." he said coldly.
Rhalla was hurt from how things went, and so quickly. One second he held her hand with great care, looking into her eyes with passion, and the other he told her to leave.
And though she understood the reasons behind him avoiding her, she felt disappointed. The kind of disappointment and confusion she felt when she first arrived to Winterfell. She couldn't believe it had been nearly a year since then.

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