Bits & Pieces

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Rhalla couldn't keep up much longer on top of the horse after many hours of intensive galloping.

The hit she took with the sword's pommel followed by being knocked down with the shield really made her head spin, and if they didn't stop soon, she'd surely fall off her horse.

Additionally, they needed to evade the Freys before they would catch up with them.
Of course, the men would have to go back to the castle and ready their mounts, which gave the fugitives a head start.

"She's going to fall!" Robin warned Kyra from the back.
"We can't stop! They'll find us if we do!" the handmaiden continued, her legs hurting from the ride.

"And they'll find us if we don't too! Their horses are faster and lighter.." Robin slowly stopped talking, narrowed his eyes, perhaps to get a better view from the thick fog, then he rode past Kyra, Robb and his own men with his finger pointing towards something.

"There! A farm!" he exclaimed and started heading towards a crude construction with smoke elevating from the hearth, which the dark-skinned beauty wasn't very sure about.

The last thing she wanted was that forcing their presence on people, or drive them out of their homes.

"Will we even fit in?" she argued, slowly turning her horse to follow him, "We're too numerous.."
"Do you have a better idea?" the lord yelled from afar, already climbing off his horse and tying it in the empty stables.

"Just.. do as he says." Rhalla whispered.
"Yes.. my queen." Kyra groaned and took her horse next to Robin's.
The lord gently carried Rhalla's frail body down her horse and helped her get up, but as soon as her feet touched the ground and he let go of her, she felt a nausea in her throat, threatening to pour out.

She covered her mouth with her hand, ran a bit further from the group, fell on her knees and started throwing up on the hay.
"Are you.. alright?" he said with a tone that indicated his worry of getting his boots stained by the vomit.

Kyra ran to hold the lady's hair away from her as she vomited with a frown directed to him.
"Does she look alright to you?" she said with a sarcastic and annoyed tone.

Robin cleared his throat and decided it best to go knock on the door and negotiate with the owners of the place.
"What an idiot!" Kyra mumbled once she made sure he wasn't within earshot anymore, making Rhalla's giggles mix with coughs.

Rhalla used the cloth her friend handed her to clean her mouth, then she drank the water left from her gourd, and her first thought after catching a breath was to check up on the fallen king who had been seated on the ground with his back against the wall.
He had lost consciousness a long time ago, and the arrows shot at him hadn't been removed yet.

She didn't even know if he was still alive, or if they were just carrying his dead body, which would mean the mission had been a big failure, but even so, she'd rather bury or burn his body properly than to leave it at Walder Frey's mercy.

Seeing him in that state gave her the need to sob, but she held off her tears, sniffed and looked away.
Kyra saw her reaction and rubbed her upper arm with her hand.
"Don't worry." she tried to soothe her, but Rhalla used the dark of night to act as if she didn't care.

"What is taking him so long?" Rhalla complained and headed to the front of the house to check on Robin's progress.
He was still knocking on the door and asking kindly from the owners to open.

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