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Months passed travelling through the woods, avoiding the Kingsroad at all cost where curious eyes might see them. No one knew what Rhalla looked like, or even knew of her existence, and her dark hair made for a good cover, but one could never be safe.

Her hair was messy, her dress was ruined by months of riding and sleeping on the ground. They would sleep and eat in inns whenever they were passing by villages, but they mostly camped in the woods.

She got to know only little of Ser Rodrik on the road. He was a quiet companion, and she didn't bother to insist on making him talk, even if she felt quite bored along the journey from the Vale to the North. He was however impressed by her riding skills, and her patience and resistance to the hard conditions they were travelling in.

And finally, there it was: Winterfell. The strong large fortress that stood for millenia, its high towers covered by the snow and the direwolf banner flying over the battlements. The castle that would be her home from now on, if all went according to plan.
"Welcome to Winterfell, my lady." Ser Rodrik said as they stood on their horses on top of a hill and watched the capital of the North in the distance.

Rhalla remained speechless, for she had never seen snow where she was. Essos was a very temperate continent, and there she was, on the other side that she dreamt of since she was a child. The sun covered by the light grey clouds was beginning to set.
She slightly raised her body from the saddle and used the pressure of her legs to make the horse gallop towards their final destination.

Finally at the gates after passing rows of small houses of log and stone in Winter Town, she slew down her horse and waited as the guards allowed her and Ser Rodrik passage to the courtyard. She prepared herself by straightening her back and raising her chin high like the noble princess she was.

She felt it inappropriate to meet the Starks in such a state, messy and unbathed for a long time, but she tried to keep her discomfort at bay.
Two Northmen who didn't look like peasants nor villagers stood tall and watched her come close, one older than the other in their noble leather clothing, cloaked in their long winter coats that were topped with wolf pelts, or so it seemed.

Ser Rodrik unmounted his horse and came to help her do the same. Though she didn't need his assistance, she played the game and acted like a proper lady in front of them.

Her body ached from days of riding, though she wore a smile on her face as she stepped closer to the men. She removed her hood, uncovering her messy braid of dark hair, and her leather gloves as she stood tall before them.
"Lord Stark." Ser Rodrik bowed then took the horses to the stables, while other servants took Rhalla's belongings to where she was staying.

"My lady. I hope the road wasn't too much trouble." Eddark Stark bowed before her.
"My lord." she curtsied and watched the younger man bow as well.
"You are our honored guest within these walls. I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. This is Robb, my eldest son." he introduced.

The young man stood in strong and tall build, blue eyes, thick brown-reddish curly hair and thin beard before the princess, his hands crossed behind his back, without saying a word. Ned and the princess both waited for him to say something, which he didn't.

"A pleasure." Rhalla said politely, watching Robb's serious expression gazing down at her, showing no sign of content, and suddenly, she shivered from the cold winter breeze that she felt now that her body had cooled down.
She wasn't very pleased either, for she was standing in front of the very man who took part in her family's downfall, but she had her reasons, and plans for what's to come.

Ned stuttered when his son didn't say a word to the dark-haired beauty and broke the awkward silence, "We will show you to your chambers. Rest for the day, and tomorrow, I would appreciate it if you visited me in my study, to discuss some personal matters." he said as he gestured for a maid to come closer.

The maid was a tall young woman with a darker complexion and beautiful brown eyes with an accent that was obvious to be from the Free Cities, as Rhalla lived there and recognized the difference.

"This way, my lady." the young woman said and ushered her to follow.
"My lords." Rhalla smiled and followed the woman through the muddy courtyard into the Great Keep, holding her leather gloves tight in her hands from anger of the young man's insolence.

She walked quietly with slow steps watching the granite made walls covered with House Stark's banners, wide doors made of oak and iron, and finally reaching her chambers in the far end of a corridor. The castle was heated by the hot springs, and though dark, it was a warm and welcoming place.

The maid opened the door for Rhalla and showed her around her room that was relatively small compared to the one she had in Pentos. The fireplace was heating the room and candles were lit to lighten the dark chamber.
A warm lavender scented bath had already been prepared for her, and a night gown had already been placed on the bed that was overlaid by furry blankets.

"I will be your new handmaiden. Do you need anything, my lady?" the young maid asked.
"No. Leave." Rhalla said angrily.
The maid stuttered and started walking out of the room before the Targaryen young lady stopped her, aware of her rudeness.
"Forgive me, I.. didn't mean it. The journey has been.. very long." she apologized.
"It's alright, my lady. I'll leave you to rest." the young maid smiled.
"What's your name?" Rhalla asked while sitting on her bed.
"Kyra, my lady." she answered politely.
"And I'm Rhalla." the young princess introduced herself.
"My pleasure, lady Rhalla of.." the maid stopped, waiting for her to continue.

Rhalla stuttered, not sure what to say since she hadn't spoken to Ned Stark about the identity she was to reveal to the others.
"Just.. Rhalla." she smiled.
"Of course, my lady. I will come tomorrow to see your chambers cleaned and your needs tented to, should you require anything." Kyra said before curtsying to the princess, "Goodnight, lady Rhalla."
"Thank you, Kyra. Goodnight." the dark-haired Targaryen smiled and watched her new handmaiden walk out of the room.

Rhalla puffed out air and started loosening her messy and tangled braid.
She stood up and took off her clothes. She looked through the mirror and saw the reflect of her bare slender body before heading to the washroom and plunging in the warm bath. It felt like silk on her skin, relaxing and soothing. She laid there for long hours, washing her hair and body in the process, and thinking about her sister.

She was constantly on her mind, and she felt sorry and regretful to have been selfish to leave her behind. She wished she had at least found happiness amongst her new people and husband, although it was very unlikely.

But her mind kept angrily wandering around the young arrogant man she met earlier.
From what Ser Rodrik said, Robb was to be decent and kind, but she felt she had been lied to. The look he gave her, full of disrespect and pride. Not even a word of welcome, or any other word. All he saw in her was an intruder and an inappropriate guest.

I am a Targaryen, and princess, and they will show me respect.

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