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I've been tagged by hannyposley to answer a few GOT/ASOIAF related questions, and this is my first time doing this so, here we go:
(Spoilers ahead!)

1/ Which kingdom would you like to live in?
I feel like Dorne would be the safest for me, or one of the Free Cities like Lys or Volantis.

2/ Which House would you like to be apart of?
I am a Stark at heart. They're the most decent house in Westeros in my opinion.
(I would add some Targaryen sass to it all as well.)

3/ If Robb and Jon got into an argument -or fought- , who's side would you pick?
Well, I've always had a soft spot for Robb, but after watching season 7 and all, I am a huge supportive of Jon. Idk, hard question. I guess it depends on the argument tho.

4/ Who's your favorite character?
This is definitely the hardest question. I have a favorite character in each house. I love Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Jaime, Arya, (starting to love) Sansa too. But let's go with Jon.

5/ Which character do you hate?
Well, most of them are dead. I guess Ramsey, even if he made me laugh at times.

6/ Jeyne Westerling or Talisa Maegyr?
Neither. Robb's mine.

7/ What do you think Joffrey would've done if he was still alive in seasons 5, 6 and 7?
This deserves a book on its own lmao. As much as he was all evil and awkward, I still think he would've done better than foetus Tommen. RIP

8/ Which Stark would you bring back?
Ned, because none of that shit would've happened. Realistically though, I would like to bring back Robb, just so he could stand and look pretty. He messed it all up at the end.

9/ How would you like Cersei to die?
Peter Baelish comes back as Hand of the King for the Night King. He's riding Viserion, stops in front of Cersei with her guards and zombie Mountain at her back, and then he goes: "I said, knowledge is power bitch."
And then she burns. Revenge, right? 😂

10/ Who's your favorite Martell?
OBERYN. Loved my Red Viper.

11/ Who's your favorite Stark?
Well, R+L=J, so Jon is out of the way. Arya for sure.

12/ Would you like for Daenerys to end up on the Iron Throne?
I would, with Jon at her side, but I really doubt that's going to happen, and if it does, a part of me will be disappointed by how predictable it would be.

13/ Which is your favorite direwolf?
Nymeria! Greywind, then Ghost.

14/ Which is your favorite dragon?
Drogon, duh!

15/ Rhaeyanna or Rhaelia?
Rhaeyanna! Rhaegar+Lyanna. I'm writing a fanfic about it actually.
(Thanks for the clarification).

16/ Sansa or Arya?
Arya all the way. She's the character I relate to the most.

17/ The saddest episode in your opinion?
The Red Wedding. My heart still hasn't recovered.
Then Hold the Door, but that's a scene, not an episode.

18/ The most satisfying episode in your opinion?
Mmm.. There are a few. Episode 10 of season 6 was great. Episode 1 of season 7 too. Love seeing the North remembering. 😏
Season 7 was great in general.

19/ Your least favorite episode?
The episodes where there's nothing special going on. Thank GRRM and D&D, that's very rare.

20/ The most horrible death?
Baby Robb and Catelyn. 😩
Oberyn's too.

21/ The best death?
I enjoyed seeing Joffrey choke tbh.
Walder Frey and his whole freaking army.
Peter Baelish.

22/ What do you think will happen in the last season?
I don't know, and I don't want to think about it. What I do need to see tho is a reunion between Bran and Jaime, a more detailed love scene between Jon and Dany lol, Dany and Arya meeting, Dany and Sansa meeting, and long Rhaegar and Lyanna flashback..


And that's it! Thanks for tagging me, and I'll only tag my baby HouVG145 because I don't have that many friends on Wattpad :(

Thank you all for your constant support! ❤❤

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