Dining Hall

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Rhalla was sitting in her room, feeling boredom and loneliness, even if it had only been a day since she arrived, when she suddenly heard knocks on the door.

Kyra, probably, she thought to herself as she headed to open the door, finding a young girl at her doorstep, looking up to her and smiling.

"Sorry, can I help you?" Rhalla said with confusion, holding the doors handle.
"You're Rhalla, right? Can I come in?" the little girl said.
"I.. Uh.. Yes, of course." she stuttered then allowed the child to come in before closing the door and standing next to the vanity with crossed arms.

"Father told me you were going to be my new tutor, is that right?" the young girl said with excitement as she jumped to sit on the bed.
"Oh, you must be-" Rhalla started.
"Arya, yes. Don't tell Father I came. He said we should wait until supper to meet you, but I couldn't wait." the girl said.

Rhalla smiled, "Well, nice to meet you, Arya. Yes, I am to be your new tutor. But don't worry, it will be fun."
"I know! Father says you are from Essos, and that you fluently speak Valyrian. Do you know anything about the Targaryen history?" Arya asked with enthusiam.

Rhalla got nervous and felt her body starting to shake, a feeling she doesn't know the origin of, but if lying to a child felt that way, what might it be like when she'd face the entire Stark family?
"I do, yes. I can tell you all that I know about the Targaryen dynasty." Rhalla smiled.
"Brilliant! Maester Luwin doesn't tell me everything. I know it." Arya said then jumped down the bed and stood in front of Rhalla.

"I have to go. Mother will start looking for me. See you tonight, and act like you never saw me, Rhalla!" Arya warned then ran out of the room, leaving the young lady with an amused smile on her face.

Well, that went well, she thought, then returned to watch the activity in the courtyard from her window and get lost in her thoughts.

The sun was setting, and Rhalla decided to start readying herself for supper with the Stark family. She left her wavy hair down and braided it like she used to do in Pentos, and she kept the simple dress they offered her. Kyra came into her room earlier to ask if she required anything and to take her to the Great Hall as Rhalla asked her to earlier that day.

She puffed out air and walked out of the room.
As soon as she opened the door, Robb was outside the room, leaning on the wall and waiting, probably for her. Wearing his leather attire, he straighten his posture and looked down at her in her beautiful northern dress, now bathed and rested, unlike when he first met her.

She gasped from surprise and raised her head high, "Lord Stark." she said as she inclined her head.
"Lady.. Rhalla, yes?" he asked and she nodded, finally hearing the sound of the young man's voice.
"Father insisted that I escort you to the Great Hall. My family's awaiting. Are you ready to leave, my lady?" he said in a monotone, and she nodded.
Kyra curtsied to Robb and left the young highborns alone.

He ushered Rhalla to walk and she closed the door to her room and walked beside the young man.
Uncomfortable, she tried to break the awkward silence, but renounced and remained quiet as their steps echoed in the halls.

Eventually, the young man spoke, "Why are you here?"
Rhalla suddenly stopped walking, surprised, and looked up at the tall man with questioning looks.
"You don't think I believe when you say you came here to be safe. You're a Targaryen. I know what you want." he spitted quietly, making sure no one hears, and her jaw dropped.

"And what is it you think I want, Lord Stark?" she questioned as she crossed her arms.
"I will not stand by as you tear my family apart, like your father, the Mad King, tried to do. I agreed to keep your secret, but if I witness anything from you that might threaten our house-" he threatened, before she interrupted.

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