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Rhalla woke up to Kyra's knocks on the door. She quickly fell asleep after her bath, exhausted from the journey and thankful for the comfort and warmth of her bed.

"Good morning, my lady." Kyra said as she entered the room with clothes and food in her hands. She deposed everything on the vanity and took the dirty clothes from Rhalla's washroom and emptied her chamberpot.

"Do you.. need anything?" the maid asked.
"No, thank you." Rhalla smiled then waited for the woman to leave before stretching her body and yawning, her muscles aching in protest as she got up from the bed.
She ate her breakfast made of eggs, bacon, seasoned bread with butter and honey, and a wedge of her favorite cheese, heath.
A blue dress in the northern style was brought to her, along with a grey winter cloak and new leather gloves. She tried everything on and it fitted her perfectly, which made her wonder how they got her measurements right.
She arranged her hair into a side braid and sat on the bed once she finished getting ready.

She didn't know what to do after that, so she opened the window of her room and looked outside, overlooking the main courtyard where activity had already resumed for the day. The snow had stopped, but it was still as cold as the day prior, and she sat as she gazed at her new home, lost in her thoughts.

She got interrupted by knocks on the door. She opened to find Kyra once more, "I am sorry to disturb you, but Lord Stark wishes to see you."
"Take me to him, then." Rhalla said and gestured for her to lead on.

Kyra took Rhalla down stairs and through corridors and long halls. She felt like it would take her forever to learn her way around the castle, though she was still full of doubts on whether she was really staying. She never stayed in one place for long, and she learned to never get attached to places.

Kyra stopped in front of a door and curtsied before leaving Rhalla alone.
The princess puffed out air before knocking on the door, then heard a manly voice allowing her to enter.

"Good morning, my lady. I hope you found your chambers to your liking." Ned Stark said as he ushered her to sit. He looked busy with papers and parchments pilled up on his desk.
"Yes. I thank you for your hospitality." Rhalla said as she sat on the seat in front of the man, waiting for what he had to say.

"As you may have been told, only Robb and I know of your identity, and we swore to keep it secret until the time is right." he started.
"The Targaryens are despised in Westeros. Not all, but your father mostly. And I am ready to put the conflicts between our two noble houses behind and bring a new era of peace, even if it means hiding the truth. Honor must be served." he spoke seriously, his northern accent resonating.

Rhalla smiled, "I agree. I know that you have gone to many lengths to bring me here, without the knowledge of the Usurper, since he wants all Targaryens dead. But you must have your reasons, I am sure."
"King Robert is the rightful king now." Ned Stark corrected, much to her discontent.
"We have learned of your brother's plans. To marry your sister to the Dothraki Khal and get an army of horselords. But we cannot afford another war, my lady. This land has known peace for over thirty years, and you are our only hope for it." he explained.

"So you are taking me hostage? I am your ward now, aren't I?" she said, twisting her lips into an angry smile.
"You came willingly. No one forced you, so you are free." he objected.
"I understand, and I appreciate your efforts in keeping peace in the region, my lord. It is wise of you to fear the Targaryens' wrath." she implied with a grin.

Ned looked at the sharp tongued princess and remained quiet for a while, holding his face with his hands. The man seemed honorable and honest. On that matter, Ser Rodrik seemed to be right, but Rhalla was still cautious.

"There is still the matter of your identity." he remembered.
"I have been told that you had thought this through." she responded.
"Not quite, but I have thought of giving you a position here, only if I knew of any skills or talents you have."

"Skills? What skills?" she wondered out loud, then reflected on the matter for a moment.
"I.. Uh.. I can ride, sew a bit, cook.. a bit." she stuttered, "I can fluently speak High Valyrian, Ghiscari-"
"Of course. You could teach my children High Valyrian." he interrupted.
"Teach them? But I don't know how." she exclaimed.
"Maester Luwin can help you with the teaching methods. Otherwise, I believe it to be an easy task." he decided.
"Aren't people going to wonder why the Warden of the North wants his children to learn Valyrian?" she asked.
"I want my children to learn about ancient history. My youngest daughter, Arya, is a student of history, and would love to learn the language." he convinced.
Rhalla sighed in surrender, "Fair enough. I will tutor her."
"I would like you to join us for supper, in the dining hall, for you to meet the rest of the family." he asked.
"I'd be honored." she smiled as she rose from her seat and headed for the door to go back to her room.
She memorized her way back when Kyra guided her, and although hard, she managed to reach her chambers that were neat and tidy when she arrived.

She worried about what the members of House Stark might think of her. She wanted to give them a good impression on her, now that it seemed like she was staying, but she feared that the same events that happened with the heir to Winterfell would occur again. She was nervous, to say the least, but she was ready, for whatever it was she was going to face.

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please comment and let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

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