The King's Arrival

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The Maester left as soon as he delivered the information. He had pressing matters with Lord and Lady Stark who already started preparations to receive the king and most of his household.

The princess stayed with the young men for most of the evening. She actually enjoyed being with them, until the news reached her. She sat frustrated, and scared. The Usurper was coming to their doorstep, and Gods know what he will do to her if he knows of her presence, if he didn't already..

"Why would Robert Baratheon travel all this way north?" she asked, taking more sips from the ale than she did before.
"I don't know. He must want something to bring all these people with him." Jon said.
"Maybe he's coming to see your father." Theon suggested.
"He wouldn't bring his entire household only to see Lord Stark." Jon disagreed.
"He's coming to Winterfell right after Jon Arryn's death. It can only mean one thing. He needs a new Hand." Robb spoke.

"Or maybe he's coming after me." she muttered, her hands shaking from fear.
"Not everything is about you." Robb shot, and she gasped in offense while she raised her head to meet his dark glare with hers.
"Pardon me?" she exclaimed with a raised tone.

"Wow wow! You two should bed each other already!" Theon scoffed, raising his hands as if to stop them from attacking each other.
"Shut up!" Jon turned to Theon, astonished by how he turned everything sexual.
"Ew. Anything but that." Rhalla said with a disgusted look, and Robb's jaw dropped.
"What is that supposed to mean?" the young man asked, offended, and she smirked in a mocking way, which made him more angry.

"All right! All right! Enough of that." Jon stood up, while the princess and the young Lord sat, shooting daggers with their eyes, none of them intimidated by the other's look.
"Look at that, Jon. Imagine them in bed. They would be on fire!" Theon grinned with crossed arms.
"If you don't stop talking, I will set you on fire!" Rhalla threatened, her tone clearly amused.
"I like her already." Jon laughed.
"I would want nothing more." Theon chuckled, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

The three burst out laughing, while Robb still watched Rhalla. She annoyed him. Too much even, and he wondered if that annoyance came from hatred, or from her sharp tongue, or from her foreign beauty, or maybe all three things at once. What he did know was that there was something strange about her, and that intrigued him.

"All right, lads. It was fun being with you, but I'm afraid I have more.. urgent matters to attend to." Rhalla said, taking one final gulp from the ale before disposing it on the table and standing up.
"What matters?" Robb asked with furrowed eyebrows.

In truth, she had nothing to do, but she wanted to retire to her room, and think further on the box she received. The arrival of the package and the upcoming king's arrival was too much of a coincidence to her, and she wanted to investigate.

"It is none of your concern, my lord." she said, emphasizing on the 'my lord', with a smirk as she curtsied to the group then walked away.
Robb's nostrils flared, and he watched her walk in the distance.

"I know you want that ass, Robb." Theon said when she was far enough.
"Stop it." Robb ordered him, while the arrogant young man laughed annoyingly.


Weeks past in the castle. Busy where the days for all the household who spent day and night to make sure everything was perfect when the king and queen arrived, and the best chambers in the keep were prepared for them and their children. A feast would take place after the king was greeted, and several activities to keep the king entertained.

Finally, after climbing a wall, Bran informed his mother of the king approaching, even after she clearly forbid him to take such risks.
"No.more.climbing!", she always said.

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