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Rhalla gasped as she opened her eyes. Her hand was still holding Robb's, and her legs hurt from kneeling on the ground all that time.
It wasn't the pain that woke her up though, it was the movement she felt from him.

She looked at his face, and she could see his eyes fluttering. He was either dreaming, or about to wake up.
Then, she started seeing the deep blue color in his eyes, and she knew that he was back.

"Where.. What?" he muttered as he tried to move before she shushed him and gently pressed him on the bed to avoid him from hurting himself by moving.
"Rhalla?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes to make sure that it was her he was seeing behind the blur.

It pained her to hear him say her name. She might've been unaware, but she wasn't ready to see him again, or rather talk to him again, interact with him, speak to him..
She lowered her head as she pulled her hand to help herself up on her feet.

"Kyra will see that you're healthy to travel as soon as possible. We cannot stay here for long. They will find us." she sighed as she fixed her dress, her tone as cold as the weather and her eyes desperately avoiding to meet his.

"What happened?" he asked, a sadness in his voice, as if he already knew the answer and merely looking for confirmation.
Rhalla took a break to find the courage to look at him, and despite her anger towards him, empathy ruled her heart.
"You lost, Robb. You lost it all." she announced before turning to leave the room.

She passed by Kyra who was on her way after probably hearing their voices, and she only nodded at her, with no use of words to guide her in what she shall do next.

Rhalla returned to her own space downstairs, and tried avoiding everyone else in the process.
Lighting the fire would have been risky, and could allure the Frey men who must be looking for them.

So she just folded her legs and to fight the cold, Rhalla rubbed her hands together to try and warm them.
She was sad, but she tried to keep herself from thinking about Robb, because now was not the time to do so.

She had to think about what would happen next, since he was never part of her plans.
She had abandoned all hope of seeing him again, let alone having to deal with what she would do with him.

When his wounds would heal, they'd have to return to Flint's Finger and proceed with the plans that they left hanging because of the "Rescue Mission", she had decided to call it.

Yet her strategic thoughts were disrupted by the opening of the door by Robin who was panting and didn't look to carry good news.

"Rha.. My lady." he corrected himself after noticing the glare she stabbed him with, "My scouts reported seeing a Frey patrol a few miles from here."
"Did they see us?" Rhalla asked as she got on her feet to face him.

"Not yet, but I think they will soon if we don't leave this place." he warned.
"But Robb can't.." she started before Robin pulled her hand and dragged her outside.

"We need to leave." he insisted on each word.
"We didn't come all this way and risk our lives to save him only to lose him again!" she swiftly freed herself from his grasp as he closed the door.

"And we didn't risk our lives to save him only to die afterwards. We can't hide here forever!" he argued, his voice getting louder with each word.
"If we could just.." she insisted before he interrupted.

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