The Twins

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After days and weeks of marching, with the army growing larger along the road as more houses joined Robb's cause, the host set up camp not far from Moat Cailin.
Lady Stark and Ser Rodrik joined them there, though the dwarf wasn't with them.

After she reunited with her son and explained to him the consequences of this whole march, Robb was determined to win more than ever, and to make the Lannisters pay a high price for what they've done.

Rhalla learned her way around camp very quickly, and although it wasn't the best place to be at, as Robb warned her before, she tried to make herself comfortable.
Kyra's tent was not far from hers, and they've spent time together even more than they used to back in the castle.

As for the princess' lover, they didn't have any sort of intimate relation since they've left Winterfell.
He would discreetly visit her tent, and she would visit his, but further from cuddles, nothing else happened.

In the middle of the camp was a training yard where the men would practice for the upcoming fights they were sure to face.
Rhalla decided to go there and try the new bow Robb offered her, and she had her handmaiden accompany her as usual.

As soon as she stepped into the muddy space, the sound of steal against steal slowed when the men turned with surprised and confused faces to see a lady, and a beauty at that, there with the intention to train with them.

The princess didn't care about the looks she attracted, and with a chin raised high and a straightened posture, she walked to an empty target with all confidence and prepared herself to shoot.

The first shot was clean and right in the middle ring, and Rhalla was surprised to hear applauses from a single person in the back.
When she turned, she found a bearded man, tall and strong, as were most northerners, a grey stone hand carved into his leather plate armor.
"Nicely shot!" he complimented.
"Uh.. Thank you." the princess stuttered.

"..For a woman." he continued with a grin on his face.
Rhalla rolled her eyes and sighed, then prepared another arrow on the bow, inciting the man to leave her alone.
"Apologies. I never meant to offend." he said.
"None taken, but might I know who you are, Ser?" she asked.
"Robin Flint, of Flint's Finger, my lady." he introduced himself, "And you are?"

The question made Rhalla nervous again, though she expected many people to ask her that question since she was surrounded by nobles who'd want to know who is always by Robb Stark's side. And even if she tried to avoid as many people as possible, the princess had already thought of the answer in case of situations like these.

"Rhalla Rogare, of Lys." she told.
"Your house still lives?" he questioned.
"It does. But not in Westeros anymore." she said, internally praying that her lie sounded true and believable.
"It is.. good to know." he sighed, "Well, Rhalla of Lys, you are a very good archer."
"Thank you." she smiled.
"Anyhow, you'll have to excuse me, my lady.
Though I really hope to see you around." he glanced before he distanced himself from the girls and returned to supervise his men.

Rhalla watched Robin leave, and despite all the flirtation, all she cared about was the relief she felt since the man believed her false identity.
He was kind, but if he went on with his courting, she'd have to stop him sooner or later, for it was Robb who had her heart, and no one else.

"He's quite handsome, isn't he?" Kyra remarked with a grin.
"He is, I guess." Rhalla shrugged, "Quite arrogant though."
"I agree!" the maid chuckled, "Though you're lucky he almost believed you. You're not very good at playing the Game."
"What do you mean?" the princess questioned, a frown on her face.
"You are no Rogare. You're a Targaryen, my lady." she told.

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