Narrow Sea

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Without looking back, Rhalla mounted a horse with Varys' help and they rode until they reached the docks, avoiding the wedding. The ship that was taking her to Westeros was indeed waiting, and they only had time to embark on the ship before it took sail. She didn't feel seasick. She instead enjoyed being rocked by the waves and feeling the sea breeze against her skin.

Varys took her to her cabin that had been properly prepared for her. The journey would be long, so having a comfortable bed to sleep on was nice.
Rhalla removed her hood and leather gloves, uncovering her soft braided dark hair, and walked across the dark room, only lit by a few candles, familiarizing herself with the place.

"Your belongings have been moved into that chest, princess." Varys informed as he stood by the door, watching the Targaryen beauty take careful steps across the room's flooring.
She was surprised to see that even her clothes had been packed for her. That meant that she was never really given a choice, and that even if she didn't accept the offer, they would have probably forced her to do so, which scared her.

"So will you tell me now who you really are?" she asked, turning to face the amused bald man.
"May I sit?" he pointed to a chair next to her.
She nodded and sat on the bed, preparing to ask all the questions she had on her mind.

"I am Varys, Master of Whispers, or to be more plain with you, the spymaster." he explained.
"So you serve the Usurper?" she said, keeping her hatred for the man who murdered her family deep inside.
"I do, but I have served your father for many years, and I will always serve House Targaryen, princess." he pledged.

"So.. When I go North, the Starks will know me as Rhalla Targaryen, yes?" she asked hesitantly.
"Of course, princess." he responded.
"But what of the servants, the handmaidens? Gossips are fast to spread, surely you know that, spymaster." she said sarcastically.
"I do know, my lady. Ned Stark assured me that he has it all settled." he said plainly.

"Why does he care about me, or my safety? Didn't he fight beside Robert Baratheon to overthrow my father and kill my brother, Rhaegar?" she asked, "Who tells me that I will not be killed as soon as I reach the gates? Or that you will before him? Who tells me that this isn't all but a trap?" she raised her tone.

"Have no fear from me. I was never one for violence. Though I am curious; why did you accept my offer if you are so afraid?" he asked with a grin on his face.
"Because anything is better than that.. savage I was supposed to marry. I would do anything to escape that, even if it means leaving my sister behind." she lowered her head in shame to the ground, then lifted it to continue, "But you haven't answered my question."

"Ned Stark and I know that not all Targaryens are monsters like the Mad King." he said.
"Do not call him that." she shot back angrily, insisting on each word.
"I do realize that it must be hard to hear the sad truth. But it is the reality, and I am sorry." he said calmly.

"But I also know that you do not have to pay for your father's misdeeds. Your bloodline must prevail, for you descend from a dynasty that ruled the Seven Kingdoms for over three centuries. House Targaryen brought unity and order to our world, and it must be preserved." he complimented, pride of her family's heritage made her head rise high.

"And about the marriage.." she started, her voice much softer, now that she felt safer.
"What is it, princess?" the man smiled.
"You say I don't have to marry Stark's eldest son. Then why did he propose it to me anyway if he already knew that I would decline?"

"To be honest with you, we vaguely discussed the possibility, but I assure you that you are not obliged to do anything but to trust. Even Robb Stark doesn't know of the offer. It was merely a way to make you safer, or for you to have a stronger position at court, as the heir of Winterfell's wife. But you will be safe, that I can assure you." he explained, silence enveloped the room when she ran out of questions.

"I will leave you to rest, my lady." the spymaster said as he rose from his seat and walked to the door.
"Who do you truly serve, Lord Varys?" she stopped him.
"The Realm." he responded before closing the door behind him, leaving Rhalla to wander in her thoughts..

She understood the situation. Even though the spymaster tried to disguise the offer, she was to be a hostage, a ward, and that in the sole purpose of avoiding war with the Dothraki.
When her brother would plan to attack, they would ransom him. But what they didn't know is that Viserys had no great love for her, and when the time should come, he will attack, even if it meant jeopardizing her life.


It had been a month since the ship had sailed from Essos, to what Varys claimed was the North. But Rhalla doubted the accuracy of the information, for she had seen the Westerosi map and studied it, and there was no way she knew of to travel from Essos directly to Winterfell with one ship.
Rhalla grew sick of the cabin she had been staying in for so long. She would eventually take walks on the railing to breath some fresh air. Painting made for a fun distraction, and reading. Any other activity was impossible in this small place.

"Where are we?" she asked, happy to finally feel the firm and hard ground under her feet.
"Gulltown, in the Vale." the Eunuch informed as they walked out of the place. She wore a dress that was much more practical for riding than the one she wore at her sister's wedding.

The port was active, and when she and Lord Varys found a way out, they walked to a stout man in leather armor, broad, with large white whiskers, standing with two horses, waiting and looking in every direction.

"Ser Rodrik Cassel." Varys presented, "He will be accompanying you to Winterfell."
"My lady." the man curtsied, and she inclined her head in greeting, although confused.
"Why? Won't you be coming?" she asked Varys.
"I am afraid I will have to take my leave, my lady. Work awaits in the capital and I must return at once. But I am at ease to know that you are in safe hands." he smiled.

"Then I must thank you, Lord Varys, for everything you have done for me." she said honestly.
"Oh, it is no trouble." he said, "Farewell, lady Rhalla." 
"And to you. Lord Varys." she said before she watched the Master of Whispers vanish amidst the crowds.
She sighed and turned to her new travelling companion who was tending to the horses.

"Can you ride, my lady?" he asked.
"Of course." she said before she used his help to mount her horse and pat it.
Her love for horses and riding could never fade.

Another long journey awaited Rhalla before finally meeting the people she had been eager to meet for so long. The journey served her scheming and plotting well enough, and she was ready for whatever lied ahead of her.

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