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Rhalla sat on the hard cold ground and against the door, covering her face with her hands as tears poured down her face like rivers.

She heard Robb's steps outside as he left the corridor, and she cried even more when she remembered what just happened between them.

It wasn't exactly the kiss that went wrong, it's quite the contrary. It was perfect. More than she ever dreamt for her first kiss, or with the first man that attracted her. He even left his escort, Princess Myrcella, to dance with her.

But he was so confusing. She was at a loss. Between moving from Essos to Winterfell and leaving her sister behind, living with foreigners, being around guests who would murder her if they had any suspicion of her presence, having to constantly lie about her identity in fear of the people who would blame her of her father's misdeeds. It was too much.

That last moment of closeness with the man who showed nothing but mistrust and disrespect to her since the day she arrived felt wrong. So wrong that she was trapped in a hurricane of emotions that blinded her from what she really wanted.

And she blamed him for being in such a state, and herself mostly for everything she was going through.

She thought about what she would do once she meets him. She thought about locking herself in her room forever out of shame, but that wasn't an option. And no matter how hard she tries to avoid him, they were still living under the same roof -a big large roof- and they would eventually cross paths.

She decided to leave that for later and instead try and find some sleep, one of the hardest tasks for her at that very moment.


"And then?" Jon asked, eyes wide as he anticipated the end of her story.
"And then.. he kissed me." Rhalla told hesitantly as she sipped from her cup of wine.

In the morning, Rhalla's first thought was to hide underneath her cloak and find Jon. She found him training on his own in the courtyard and asked to speak with him at once. He was her only true friend now, and she confided in him.

"Rhalla, that's wonderful!" Jon exclaimed, confused to see that she didn't share the same enthusiasm as he thought she would.
"Yeah." she muttered, her head lowered.

"What's wrong?" Jon asked.
She sighed and lifted her gaze to face him, "Jon, the problem is that it was perfect!".
He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled amusingly, "I might not know much about such things, but I think this isn't supposed to be a bad thing."

She giggled at his notion, but her face quickly turned into a serious expression, "It's not that! I left, right after." she confessed.
"Why?" Jon asked.
"Because it felt wrong. Because your crazy arse of a brother is so confusing!" she exclaimed, "He asks me to dance and is very nice, and then an hour later he tells me I'm a traitor and that I am flirting with you. And then he kisses me. Kisses me!"

Jon laughed heartily at her display but stopped when he heard that it involved him.
"Wait, what did you say? Flirting with me?" he questioned.
"Yes! He thinks there's something going on between us because he saw us in the courtyard last night." she said.
"But I was helping you with your bow!" he said.
"Well, tell him, not me!" she said sarcastically.

"I will, don't worry." Jon told.
Rhalla jumped from her seat, "Wait, no. You can't tell him. Are you insane?"
"But he should know the truth!" Jon insisted.
"Yes, but not by telling him: Oh, hey! Don't worry, I'm not touching your lady. And by the way, she told me everything." she mocked.
"Don't worry. I won't tell it to him that way. I'll just find a discreet way to tell him that there is nothing between the two of us." he explained.

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