Her Children

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The journey to Flint's Finger was going to take longer than it should, all because of Rhalla's newborn children.

The men traveled to the nearest village to find some camping equipment so they could stay longer in the forest and build small wooden shelters for the dragons to allow discretion on the road.

After Rhalla's rebirth, Kyra came to her with her cloak to cover her body from the cold and the men's prying eyes, even though the future queen didn't care much. Her body was warm, and her eyes were on her children's scales, studying every detail about them.

Rhalla wrapped the black cloak around her and gave Kyra a guilty smile, in a way to apologize for leading her lover to his grave, for she knew putting it into words would mean little much.

"I forgive you, my queen." Kyra said after a long silence, making the Targaryen beauty's eyes soften from joy.
"I am so sorry for Mace." she said.
"Don't be. Only death pays for life." she told her, catching the new mother's attention.

"How do you know all this?" she asked curiously, "About Targaryens and life and death?"
"I know far more than you think." the mysterious woman answered.
Rhalla looked at her for a while, as if she was trying to uncover all the secrets that her dearest friend held, but in vain.

"One day, and in time, you shall tell me your whole story, like I have told you mine." Rhalla sighed, deciding that now wasn't the time nor the place for any disappointing revelations.

Today was a historical day. The day dragons came back to Westeros after centuries of extinction. Her dragons. Her children.
She loved them from the bottom of her heart the moment she laid eyes on them, beautiful creatures that they were.

Looking at her with their big yellow eyes, and dancing around her body to mark their territory, to warn anyone who would dare hurt the woman who allowed them to come into this world.

They were going to make the world a better place, and help Rhalla restore the time where Targaryens were to be feared and respected. Where dragons would roam freely and majestically in the skies and awake fear and fascination in their watcher.

"What are you going to name them?" Kyra sat next to the dark-haired young woman.
"Their names have been decided a long time ago. From the moment I saw them in their shells, I knew they would live, and I knew what I would call each and every one of them." she said, then looked at her children who were positioned on her shoulders and her forearm.

"Roberion, Bluefyre and Rhaenar." she pointed respectively at the grey dragon, the blue one and the white one.
"Roberion.. Did you name him after..?" Kyra stuttered without even finishing her question.

"Yes, I did name him after Robb. I told you that I decided his name a long time ago." she finished, her tone cold and firm.
"You can change it." Kyra suggested with a shrug.

"No, I can't, and I don't want to." Rhalla refused, "I don't regret anything that happened, and despite it all, Robb was the one to lead me where I am now."
"Well then, I am glad you bear no regrets." Kyra smiled and stood up to leave a mother with her children.

Rhalla looked at them, love filling her eyes and her heart.
They were so beautiful, and she'd love them like any mother would love her children.

Roberion had grey scales with silver markings. His eyes were a deep red, and there was something that even his mother couldn't recognize that made him different from his siblings. He seemed stronger, and in the few times he and his siblings fought over food, or a closer place next to their mother, he seemed to win.

Bluefyre's scales were different shades of blue, with the same silver markings as Roberion. He had sea deep blue pupils, and the horns that ran down his back were spinier than his brothers'.
He looked cleverer, wiser, and wouldn't get into a fight only if he had to, and in the few times Rhalla spoke to him, he listened and obeyed her every command.

Rhaenar seemed to need more affection from his mother than his brothers.
He would always claim a place on her shoulder or her arm, and he loved it when she would run her fingers on his creamy white scales.
Golden markings adorned his body, and his yellow eyes matched them.

Rhalla found them adorable. The look on her face when she'd lay eyes on them reflected the love that only grew stronger as time passed.
But her time with her children was cut short once more by a man to whom she owed an explanation more than anyone.

Robin seemed hesitant to interrupt the family banter, but he and the Targaryen beauty both knew that they needed to talk.

"I told the men to hunt some ram for your.. children. And the wooden shelters will be ready by tomorrow. It'll be wise for us to start riding for Flint's Finger at dawn before anyone notices our presence." he briefed, and she nodded and gestured for him to sit.

"So.. Lady Rhalla of Lys. I suppose you owe me an explanation, don't you?" he said with a bittersweet smile on his face.
"I know." she muttered, then sighed, "I'm sorry I haven't told you earlier, but you must understand my caution."

"Wasn't I trustworthy enough to you?" he asked with a slightly accusing tone.
"That is not what I meant." she objected, "I am one of the last surviving members of house Targaryen. The daughter of a king whom people claim went mad. I couldn't reveal my identity to anyone. Not even to you."

"One of the last..?" Robin focused on that point, making her take a deep breath at the realization of how much she had to explain.

"I have a twin sister, Daenerys. We were separated, and she wants the throne for herself. Now, she wishes nothing more than to have my head on a spike." she said with resentment.

"Why?" Robin asked.
"Because she sees me as a rival." Rhalla said.
"Are you not?" the lord continued, "I mean you just told us you wanted to reclaim your father's throne. It is understandable that she'd see you as competition." he told.

"I was never her rival. I am her sister. But I must do my duty. Our brother might've been cold and abusive, but I would never have expected her to murder him in cold blood. If she's able to do that, and threaten to kill me too, then she is not fit to rule." Rhalla continued.

"So you're ready to go against your sister?" the lord asked.
"If I must." she said hesitantly, "She is not the person I remember her to be, and if she can be of any harm to others, she must be stopped. That will be hard, for I am already at a disadvantage. Her dragons were born almost a year ago, so they must be larger than mine. But I hope that won't be an issue, and that it doesn't come to war between us."

"Tell me. What would you do if you were queen?" Robin asked, turning to face Rhalla, his attention caught.

"Five kings are fighting over one throne for their own selfish benefits. They are so small. I see beyond that. I see a world where the poor can live without worrying about their next meal or the cold winter. Where the rich can't feed over them. Where seven kingdoms are united under one ruler whom they respect and trust. A ruler who would bring back the glory of the time the Targaryens ruled these lands. I can do that, but I need power, and allies. Powerful allies." she said, fire boiling in her eyes.

Robin stared at her for a moment that seemed like eternity before he stood on his feet, then bent his knee and inclined his head.

"Consider me your ally, my queen." he pledged to her, "I will fight to see your desires come to life. My sword is yours, and my men are yours."

Rhalla could feel tears forming in her eyes, but she held them, and she placed his hand between hers from gratitude, her dragons supporting this moment with their shrieking roars.

"I hope I won't disappoint you, and that I will prove worthy of your trust."

It was finally time for Rhalla and her new allies to ride where they could start planning their next move, for it was the beginning of a conquest no one was prepared for.

Hey hey hey!
So sorry for the slow and late updates but I just moved to a new city and I'm kinda adjusting to the university life, yup!

Plus finding the inspiration to write this story is becoming really difficult, but your support helps a lot, so thank yall so so much <3

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