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"Don't be gone for too long, you bastard." Robb told Theon as they held each other in a brotherly embrace.
"Don't do anything stupid, your grace." the Ironman told his friend-king, before turning to the princess who was standing beside them.

"And take care of her, will you?" he asked him with a smile directed to her.
"I sure will." Robb said with a glance in her direction before tapping the horse Theon climbed in the meantime.
"See you, lads." he told then started his ride to Pyke.

Robb watched him leave, and without a word to Rhalla, he returned to his duties.
Rhalla knew things would be busy for him. It was sad, but that was the only way for a king. She was sad he was ignoring her in that fashion, all for a mysterious girl he was marrying for the sake of crossing a bridge that was now useless.

And an alliance with the Freys, a won battle, Jaime Lannister captured..

Regardless, it was unfair to her.

Robb sent Theon as his envoy to treat with his father, Balon Greyjoy in order to prepare an attack on the Westerlands from both land and sea, since the Ironborn were known for their strong and numerous ships.

As for Robb's host, it marched west to face the army that was forming under the command of Stanfford Lannister from what the scouts had reported.
Robb also sent Catelyn Stark to negociate an alliance with Renly Baratheon who also proclaimed himself king after Robert's death despite his being younger than Stannis Baratheon who was sending ravens to all the high lords of Westeros, informing them that Queen Cersei's children were all illegitimate, making him the rightful king.

How many kings were there now?

After setting up camp, the men left in the dark of night to ambush the foe camp using an unknown trail that Grey Wind had found earlier. It felt as if without the direwolf, the army would be nothing.

Rhalla stayed in her tent as usual, this time, she entertained herself with a book about Aegon's conquest. She would always read about the Targaryen dynasty every now and then. It was a way to remind her of her roots, that way she can never lose sight of who she was and where she came from.

Back in Essos, the books were very limited, and all her knowledge about her family's history came from her brother, Viserys. But even then, she doubted the truth of his words.

"This book is one of my personal favorites. It's fascinating how your ancestors started from nothing after the Doom of Valyria, and then rose to unite the Seven Kingdoms." Kyra said after she discreetly sneaked into Rhalla's tent.
When she noticed the maid's presence, the princess closed the book and set it aside on her bed as she took a heavy sigh.
"I know. And it took a single madman to ruin it all." she said with in a sad tone.

Kyra remained silent, which was strange since in this sort of situation, she would always have something to say, either to teach Rhalla a lesson, or to help her feel better. But perhaps she didn't want to risk saying anything that might offend the princess, and she understood.

"Anyway. I assume everything's going well with your.. lover?" Rhalla quickly deflected the topic.
"Yes!" the maid chuckled, her brown eyes sparkling more than ever, "We get along pretty well. His duties and your needs don't allow us to meet as frequently as we would've hoped but we found a way to make this work. I just hope he'll make it out of this battle alive."

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