Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

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What happened at the tower was but a distraction to what lady Stark had to endure.
But thanks to Bran's direwolf, that he named Summer after he woke up a few days after the accident, the assassin didn't prevail in his attempt.

Catelyn Stark left for King's Landing along with Ser Rodrik to inform Ned Stark of what had happened, and of her suspicions of the Lannisters, and since then, Robb had been the Lord of Winterfell in his father's stead.

Whispers about the fire that Rhalla survived started spreading around the castle, suggesting that people wondered what exactly happened in the tower that night, since the guards left her from one side of the flames and returned to find her on the other side, unharmed. Only Robb witnessed the events.

Making excuses about his duties and appointments, he was quite distant, even after the worry he showed for her life. The Targaryen lady decided to leave him be, focusing on archery, spending time with Kyra and tutoring Bran once more.

While Robb received Tyrion Lannister in the Great Hall, the princess was in the training yard, for she had no desire to meet the guest.
Her dark hair tied in a braid, her blue eyes focusing on the centre of the target, she aimed  with precision before a manly voice interrupted her concentration.

"Lady Rhalla, is it?" he said.
She turned to face whoever spoke to her, but to her surprise, the speaker wasn't really to her eye level.
"Lord Tyrion. Your visit is rather.. unexpected." she greeted with a firm voice as she inclined her head, to him and to another man who stood beside him.

She wasn't very fond of the Lions, and yet she held a soft spot for the dwarf after she attended his humiliation of the prince. His slapping Joffrey was rather satisfying.

"It is quite unusual to find women excelling at archery." he said with a grin.
"I'm afraid I do not excel, but I am trying my best. However, I thank you for the compliment." she smiled weakly.

"My brother Jaime has spoken of you." he told, and she arched an eyebrow in confusion.
"Ser Jaime? Uh.. May I ask to know what he said exactly?" she stuttered.
The dwarf smirked and ushered her to walk beside him.

She left the bow and the arrows on a bench before she followed him through the muddy yard, still in wait of a respond to her question.
"Your presence here hasn't gone unnoticed, lady Rhalla. After the king's visit, people have been wondering what your position in Winterfell might be." he told her, "Especially after the dance you shared with the Stark boy."

Rhalla shook her head from surprise, but she lifted her chin up, raising her guards against what his words suggested.
"It's lord Stark now." she corrected, "And it was merely a dance, nothing more. As to my position here, I am tutor to Arya and Bran. Only Bran, now that he's woken up."

"I do not doubt that, my lady, but still, you should be careful, and more discrete if you wish to keep your presence more.. unnoticed." he suggested, and she narrowed her eyes at him, briskly stopping in the middle of their walk.

"What do you mean?" she asked, shaking in fear of what he said.
"Oh, nothing. Do not worry my dear, I will leave you to your practice." he told her, giving her a reassuring smile, but she was still alarmed.

"Why did you want to see me, lord Tyrion?" she asked plainly.
He started searching his pockets before he pulled a letter and handed it to her.
"Your friend, Jon Snow, wished of me to deliver this letter to you. I almost forgot." he chuckled.

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