With that in mind, I pulled out the dress and slipped it on, stepping into my new shoes. I fixed myself in the mirror, making sure everything was right, before heading out the door.

I came face to face with my mentor as I opened the door. My face flushed as he eyed my attire, something appreciative in his features. He offered me his arm, which I took gratefully. I wasn't sure I could stand up straight with his eyes on me the way they were. He'd switched out his regular black cravat that he saved for special events, for a white one. It was a nice change, bringing more light to his face. "Would you allow me to escort you to the soiree, Miss Granger?"

I smiled shyly, looking away. My fingers curled into the fabric of his sleeve, trying with all my might to steady myself. "I'd be delighted, sir."

He led me up the stairs and to the Great Hall where the reception was being held. We were to socialise with the other guests, eat supper and participate in the festivities. The moment we stepped into the room, we were bombarded by photographers. Snape was not having any of it, he lifted his cloak, shielding me from the blindingly bright flashes of the cameras. If I knew something of the sort would occur, I wouldn't have worn this particular dress. What would the newspapers say now?

He didn't seem to care. When we were far enough, he let the dark material fall to the ground and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side, his hand sliding easily across the smooth fabric of the dress. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, gooseflesh rising on my bare arms. "Where on earth did you acquire such a dress? Surely you didn't let Minerva choose it."

I fought back a nervous giggle, forcing myself to make eye contact. "Isn't it lovely?" I replied, sending him what I hoped to be a mysterious smile or something equivalent. I was often told I could be as subtle as a rampaging hippogriff. I walked away then, slipping out of his grasp, sashaying off to stand with Harry and Ginny.

She gave me a smile, winking. "You look hot." She stated. "The dress was gorgeous, but on you, it should be illegal. A little more leg, Hermione, and it would be downright indecent. But it isn't. It's classy, sophisticated. I like it."

I hugged Harry tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You look well, Harry." He did, truly. He was positively dashing in his formal robes.

He dipped his head in polite thanks. "As do you." He squinted a moment, something that happened when he was mentally debating with himself.

I rolled my eyes. "Go on, ask me."

He took a moment to phrase his words carefully. "Are you here with Snape tonight?"

"Professor Snape, Harry." I corrected. "Yes, he is my escort this evening. He wouldn't allow me to attend alone."

He shifted uncomfortably. "Are you, you know..."

My eyes widened in shock. "Merlin, Harry, no! What would make you think such a thing?"

He shrugged, his face reddening. "Ginny told me what happened the other day, and about the necklace. I thought maybe you and him were.... you know."

I shook my head and took his hand. "I would have told you, honest."

Ginny tucked a strand of hair behind her ear timidly. "I don't know, 'Mione... Things seemed intense over there. We saw you two together."

I bit my lip, before explaining that he had only hidden me from the cameras and asked where I'd gotten my dress. My friends calmed down for a moment, before someone grabbed my hand, pulling me away from them. I found myself in someone's arms, their lips crushing mine. I pushed them away, wiping my face. "What the hell?"

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