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 what the fuck? how would I know? it's a youtube link. go look it up, maybe? haha smarty. Mark walked over to his desk, logged into his laptop and opened his browser. He typed in the link and waited for the page to load. Why is the internet so slow today, jesus.

Phil>• : Sorry about last night... ◉‸◉

Jackaboi: it's fine honestly, don't beat yourself up about it!

Phil>•: Okay. I didn't know. (xᗝx)

Jackaboi: once again, it's fine.

Jackaboi: since when have you and Dan been on tour though? and how come I haven't heard about it?

Phil>•: Only since November.. so not that long actually. Why? ﴾ȍᴥȍ﴿

Jackaboi: oh ok, idk maybe i'll go see it ;)

Phil>•: Are you going to take your totally platonic friend too? We can give you VIP tickets if you want... (∩✿ᗜ✿)⊃━☆゚.*

-Message deleted-

Phil>•: Are you going to bring Mark too? You can have VIP tickets if you want... (∩✿ᗜ✿)⊃━☆゚.*

Jackaboi: I saw that -_- ...you don't have to give us vip. If the only benefit is seeing you guys again, we'll pass; I'm sure there are many teenage girls that would kill to have that ticket and meet you two.

Phil>•: (ʘ_ʘ) THAT WAS DAN! I'M SO SORRY!

hey fam.

i'm in a post 50 pages of tabinof. i'm so ded you don't even know. also dan's new video is coming soon what do you thinks it's going to be?

in news of jack, mark and surrounding circles, signe is adorable and precious. the pancake vid is beautiful. did you guys know that peebles has a channel? she only has one vid rn i think, still pretty cute! i'm loving jack's playthrough of 'night in the woods' the name 'mae' means a lot to me. i haven't watched mark's videos in a while... i've been doing homework, actually. plus the party i had on saturday.

it was music themed and we were to come dressed at our favourite musicians, i, being complete trash, went as ladders ep. my favourite band, consistant of two members, you should look them up sometime. ANYWAY, near the end of the party MaddHatt3r asked if i wanted whiskers on my face, i said yes, of course. not realising that it was PERMANAMENT MARKER. i had school today. the whiskers hadn't come off. i tried fucken everything. and i mean EVERYTHING. so i wore makeup. i don't hate wearing makeup it's just tedious to put on and i have to make sure i don't look like a cake face. ugh. but yea, the makeup really didn't do anything XD.

pic of me from saturday -

i'd also like to mention that this party was my crush's 17th

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i'd also like to mention that this party was my crush's 17th. i kinda got jealous about the people they were talking to, for several reasons. also i got them something really fucking special/expensive. you remember mark's charity livestream from christmas? you remember the limited edition merch? yep. i bought them a christmas tiny box tim. it cost me 45 fucking dollars! it, like magic, also arrived on phil's 30tH BIRTHDAY. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I"M CRAFTING AGAIN

also left heartfelt notes which brought them to tears, apparently... i may or may not have cried writing it either....

also, thank you guys so much for 15 fucking thousand reads! you all mean so much to me right now!

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