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buzz... buzz...

Jack: how's your day been?

Mark: reallly shit. My friends all turned against me saying that I caused the crash.

Jack: retards.

Jack: you don't need them, I'm here and I'll talk to you! I can help even if  I'm a couple hundred kms away! I'm here for you...

Mark: thank you Jack. Seriously. Thanks.

Jack: no need! I'm a friend... friends help other friends.

Mark: how's your day?

Jack: well technically speaking my day has barely began... but I'm an emotional wreck.

Mark: wHAt?! You've been letting me dump all of my rants on you! I'm so sorry! What happened?!

Jack: I'm fine with your stuff that doesn't stress me. Don't worry about that. It's my relative. He's controlling over my life, I can't do anything without them mocking me!

Mark: why are they still there?

Jack: they're here for atleast this month.

Jack: I can't get rid of them because... well I can't.

•~Septiplier, Kik~•Where stories live. Discover now