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buzz... buzz...

Mark: I know you won't see this until you get off the plane but when you get out of the landing area go into the Starbucks to your left when you go down the escalator. I'll be in there.

It was around 11:30 pm. Mark grabbed his laptop and shoved it in his car. He drove to LAX and waited in that Starbucks on his laptop with as many coffee/pumpkin spice lattes it took to stay in there. "So who are you waiting for? A lover? A family member? ", the lady behind the coffee machine asks.
"A friend."
"Just a friend?"
"I think so."
"Aw man did you get shut down?"
"No nothing like that"
"This sounds interesting. Can I sit with you?"
"Uh sure. Can't you get fired though?"
"Meh, I hate my job anyways. So this friend of yours. Where are they from?"
"Well he's an irishman"
"Oooo what's he look like?"
"Um well. He's short. Shorter than I am atleast. He has green hair kinda like yours..."
"Oh, uhh my name's Mark."
"What's your friends name?"
"Is he wearing a grey Berlin jumper?"
"He's coming down the escalator now. I suggest giving him a hug he looks pretty worn out. Also here.", she gave Mark a small piece of paper "open that later, thanks for keeping me company"

Just as Jack was about to open the door to the Starbucks, Mark bursted through them and almost knocked Jack over. "You piece of shit"
"Hi Lawn. How was your flight?"
"Exhausting. I was seated next to a family with three young kids and they would. Not. Shut. Up."
"Awh poor Jackey." Mark gives Jack a hug and Jack rests in it. A tear goes down his face. Mark can hear him sniffling. "How about we get you to my place I can cook you some food and we can watch some movies and sleep?"
"Sounds great."

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