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"Where were we last night?", Mark said, continuing the night before's events.
"Aha... ha. Not here.", Jack replied. Pushing himself away from the other. "I'm going to make toast. You sort yourself out." He turned back to the cupboards and got out bread and some condiments.

Mark went to do washing and think for himself. What the fuck was that shitshow? I wouldn't know. I didn't do it. I'm going to blame you. As he was picking up clothes from the floor to put in his basket, one of the shirts he grabbed, a red flannel, felt a little stiff in the pocket. He reached inside and found a folded piece of paper. The one the starbucks lady gave me!/us. He unfolded it and written was the following, 'youtube.com/jackspedicey look it up - katie'.

how are you today?

i bought tabinof. literally 38 pages in cried twice.

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