I smiled, turning around. I was immediately stopped by Ilia, the most popular girl at my high school.

"You think you can get with Link, huh?" She asked, her hands sassily on her hips. Her two friends, each standing on her sides, nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, girl, there's no way a hottie like him would get with an ugly like you!" Another girl, Lana fired at me.

I held my books closer to my chest. "That wasn't at all my intention-"

The second girl, Midna, interrupted me. "Whatever! Just back off of Link!" She looked over at Ilia, then back at me. "He belongs to Ilia."

I shook my head. "A person cannot belong to another. That's not right."

Ilia plastered an angry look on her face. "What are you trying to say, ugly?"

I lifted my chin up. "Link does not belong to anyone."

Midna elbowed Ilia's arm. "Oh, girl, you've got some competition!"

Ilia stomped her foot. "She's not much of any competition! Look at her! She's a complete ugly nerd!"

Even I looked up and down my body as the other girls did. I was wearing black glasses, a grey sweatshirt and blue sweatpants. The other girls erupted in laughter. They all high-fived one another. They sounded like witches, cackling endlessly.

I walked away. "Whatever."

Ilia gasped. "Did you just turn away from me?"

Midna gasped, too. "Girl, you're crazy for turning away from such a princess."

Ilia flipped her blonde hair. "Oh, thank you, darling."

Lana nodded. "Exactly! So get back over here!"

I turned around, smiled, and simply replied: "No."

I turned around and walked up to the third floor of the school, making my way to my locker in the very back of the last hallway. I shoved my binders in my locker, hoping no one heard me. I stood up and pulled out my phone, seeing my reflection in the glass.

Was I crying?

Oh no, I could not be crying. I wiped away any trace of tears and threw my phone into my locker. A loud bang echoed throughout the hallway, and everyone looked at me. However, I just stuck my face into my locker, praying that the day would just end already.


"She what?!" My best friend Agitha almost yelled.

I held a finger over my mouth and shushed her. "Yes! She told me to back off Link. I don't even like him, though."

"Or do you?" Agitha smirked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Doesn't matter. Even if I did, he would never love an ugly nerd like me."

Agitha moaned. "Come on, Zel! Don't be like that! Don't let those snotty girls bring you down because you like someone!"

I quickly turned my head toward her. "I do not like that jock!" I countered. "I never will!"

Agitha shrugged her shoulders. "Ah, it was worth a shot trying to get it out of you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Agitha. Plus, I have too much work to be doing rather than fancying some boy."

Agitha nodded in agreement. "Preach, girlfriend."

I laughed. "I mean, seriously? Work, plus video games. I couldn't handle having a boy on my shoulders, too!"

Agitha clasped her hands together. "Preach!"

I snorted. "Okay, okay." I sighed, looking down at the sidewalk. "Thank gosh it's Friday. Are you still coming over tonight?"

"Yup!" Agitha answered cheerfully. "Us nerds have to stick together!"

I nodded. "Yeah, we do." I gave her a hug, looking up at my house. "Well, I'm home. I'll see you tonight?"

Agitha nodded with the brightest smile on her face. "I'll be here around six. I have to finish all of my homework, first."

I smiled. "Okay, then, I'll make the food by then."

Agitha waved to me as she walked off.

I turned the key in my door, then spun back around. I held my hands to my lips. "Oh, hey!" I called to her. She turned around. "Don't bring any bugs tonight, or I swear I'll kill you!"

Agitha laughed. "Fine!"

Walking into my home, I sighed heavily.

Thank god the day was over.

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