XII: The Nature of Things

Start from the beginning

She was immediately alert, activating her wings so fast her stealth was discarded, startling the demigods.

"ARTY!!" she yelled out as she sped towards the red flag, recalling their group to have been far larger than the ones gathered. Meaning, the guards from the flag hasn't regrouped...

She arrived at the scene as the demigods had begun patching up, nymphs and satyrs amongst them and trying to help as much as they could. This troubled Holly more, worry turning to dread as this may just be her chalking up another failure in doing her job as guardian.

"D'Arvit!" she cursed and was about to speed away and begin her search when her eyes locked onto the nature magic performed by the nymphs and satyrs...


The wind blew in a gentle manner, the trees seem to hum like a tuning fork as Holly's eyes glazed, feeling once more her oneness with her surroundings...how they make her breathe and feel anew...

Her vision suddenly became sharp with a tinge of green, the roar of the Earth seem to rise like the force of an orchestra. She glared around her, seeing all the roots, the leaves, all in deep detail...until she noticed depressions and footprints trailing away from the group. She made haste, not questioning what was going on with her and more on the priority at hand.

She arrived at the area where she easily deduced as a scene of struggle, a set of footprints seem to branch away towards the camp border and one set of footprints led to camp, which Holly instantly recognized as Artemis'. As she trailed the tracks of the Mudboy, she remarked how the steps seem to be random at first, then seem to go in an even pace but very close together. Could he be injured?

At that, Holly sped up her pace, noticing the further she went, the steps seem to sink even deeper to the ground, as if burdened by a weight. It is possible that he may be carrying Minerva, but based on how deep these footing were, she must have weighed at least a car, which of course she wasn't. So...what? Added dumbells?

Holly then spotted the armory and she immediately speculated a rough idea of what happened: the signal must have been some sort of jammer set up by the attackers, then one thing led to another that Artemis had to look for something to cover his ears, and since the armory was the closest infrastructure to the forest and the most equipped to supply such needs, it was all logic to go here. But...if the entire time he had to walk this good distance with nothing to protect him for the Mist...


The sound of the wooden porch gave Holly fear in thinking that she may have been too late. The door was already opened, so she stormed in, her eyes darting around. She saw Minerva slumped to a corner and was by her side in an instant, checking her vital signs. She seems fine, only unconscious; a bruise here and there but otherwise nothing serious...

"But where is-"

Holly spotted Artemis sprawled on the floor a fair distance away, blood dripping from his ears that were stuffed with a pair of earplugs and facing the ground. He was convulsing and twitching like mad!

Holly quickly did a second check-up on Minerva then moved on to Artemis. Immediately she identified multiple bruises and a swelling on the left eye, a sprain on his right foot too. His muscles were strained and was sweating profusely, his skin tinge with red as if he had ran miles nonstop.

"Heal!"  Holly chanted as once again tendrils of nature magic encase Artemis in a dazzling green light, and in a couple of minutes he was stable, his breathing becoming even and the blood dried and wiped. She then checked his eyes as first aid protocol and she yelped!

What in the Havens!?

She hesitated, clearly baffled on what must have happened during her absence. Before she could check again, the sound of wings fluttering in came it nestled beside Artemis. Atry the barn owl hooted once, then looked straight at Holly, and she suddenly had the urge to back away. This bird...

Holly lifted both Minerva and Artemis easily onto her arms and headed for the infirmary, remembering the piercing gaze of Artemis' eyes that made her shiver.

Eyes like that of an owl...


Promised 750-read chapter! Next goal: 1.5k-reads! There will still be a chapter released this Friday so yeah!

And as always, thanks for reading! 🦉

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