TomTord Sinshot 1

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"Thomas...Mm..." Tord moaned. Tord had stolen Tom's hoodie and hid in the closet of his bedroom. He groped and bit himself, taking a pink and blue vibrator with a blue haired girl in a pink dress (Me!Me!Me! reference) on it and ramming it inside himself. A muffled moan could be heard at least from his bed. Tord sniffed the sleeve, looking at it with half-lidded eyes. It smelled like Smirnoff and Axe. His erection only grew as he inhaled, his moans growing more frequent. He licked his lips, kissing the hoodie and moaning Tom's name. Tom knocked on the door and Tord froze.

"Hey, commie? Have you seen my hoodie?" he called from outside Tord's room. Tord quickly turned the vibrator off, slipping on tight underwear and his sweatpants, tossing Tom's hoodie aside and slipping his own on. He felt a twinge of pleasure each step he took. Tord opened the door, slightly looking down.


"Have you seen my hoodie?"


"Any idea where it might be?"

Tord went to move, accidentally activating the vibrator that was still inside of him and causing him to moan Tom's name. Tord flushed bright red.

"Check the hamper." Tord said before quickly closing the door and running back into the closet. He quickly stripped and put on Tom's hoodie, locking his door. He sat in the closet in a straddle position and put a suction cup on the bottom before activating it again. He stuck it onto the wall, rocking back and forth.

"T-Tom~! Mm~! Fuck, you feel so good inside me~!"

Tord's tounge soon made it's way to dangling outside his mouth, his eyes narrowed and tearing up at the corners. Tom had picked the lock to see what was with Tord. He heard moaning from the closet and opened the closet door to find Tord with a vibrator inside him and Tom's hoodie sleeve over his face.

"Ah! T-Tom!"


"I-I-I can explain! Y-You see, I-I-"

Tord was cut off by Tom kissing him. Tord blushed heavily and wrapped his arms around his neck. They kissed for a little longer until they heard Jon moan next door, making both of them jolt. They broke the kiss, then just started laughing. That is, until Tom activated the vibrator, toying with it to tease Tord. Tord moaned, arching his back.


"You like this~?"

"Mm~! Y-Yes~! I-I love it so mu-ah~!"

"You just wait, baby boy~" Tom smirked as he pulled out Tord's weeaboo vibrator. Tord moaned a bit when Tom took it out, disregarding the perfectly-timed second moan from next door. Tom stripped, pinning Tord on the floor.


This would've turned Tord on so much if he wasn't terrified of what Tom was about to do.

"Not Tom, baby~ It's daddy~"

Tord blushed even more than he had before.


"Good boy~" Tom smirked before licking Tord's lips. "Ready~?"

Tord nodded.

"Okay, baby boy~"

Tom slowly pushed in, earning him a moaning mess of Tord. Drool was leaking from the corners of his mouth and tears began to form in the corners of his eyes. He winced, wiping away the tears on the right side of his face since they seeped into the wounds on his face. Tom smiled and kissed him to pass some time while Tord adjusted. Once Tord adjusted, he started to grind on Tom. Tom smirked and slowly thrusted after breaking the kiss, earning him a Tord that cried his name in pleasure. He kept thrusting, holding his hand over Tord's mouth gently.

"We don't want the others to hear, do we~?"

"N-No, daddy~" he weakly smiled, still moaning. His drool now made it to the carpet, dampening it.

"Then I'll challenge you~ If the others don't hear you, you'll get as much as you can handle~ But if they do...Hm...I'm making it so you can't walk~"

"D-Daddy, please~ I wanna be your little cumdumpster~" Tord squeaked out, Tom's hand on his neck. "Y-You're on~"

"Alright, bet start~" Tom smirked as he thrusted faster. Tord moaned, his eyes tearing up. In an instant, Tom bit Tord's shoulder, causing Tord to cry out. He bit harder, drawing blood.

"Ngh~ T-Tom~"

Tom slapped Tord. "What did I tell you to call me~?"


After a good hour of Tom ramming himself into Tord, both of them came, getting it all over the closet and all over each other. Tom smirked.

"You may be taller than me, but I have a bigger dick~"

"Fuck you~"

"When, where and how hard~?"

"Dammit, Tom~"

"You know you love me~"

"Shut it~"

"Or would you rather I rail you~?"

"What do you think~?"

"I'll take that as a yes~"

"Shut up and fuck me, you ass~"

"I love you, Tordtilla~"

"Yeah, love you too, Jehovah's Witness~"

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