"Florence?" Syra almost laughed the word out as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah.. It's an old name. My mother believed in "old ways" too, but I clearly don't look the old fashion type, huh? You can call me Ren."

Ren held out a hand and Syra took it, immediately drawn to the other woman's slim body now that she'd had skin to skin contact; paired with the waves of arousal from the dancefloor and Syra was surprised she didn't drag Ren from her post and try to seduce her.

The other woman however didn't seem to need seducing as Syra saw her rake her eyes down her in one, swift motion, taking in the rather racy V-neck. The lust crested and crashed from Ren into Syra like a wave.

Syra nearly let out a moan of desire, the Urges were so strong now.

But Syra couldn't just drag Ren from her job and with witnesses around it was impossible.

So Syra downed her mixed drink, handed the glass back to Ren, winked and blew the adorable bartender a kiss and then sauntered to the dancefloor.

Syra needed to feel some physical contact -- any just to relieve a bit of the Urges and being swamped by the core of arousal would help, a bit.

She threw herself into the mass of grinding, sweaty bodies and got bumped into immediately, sparks skittering across her skin on contact. A pair of hands instantly gripped her waist, hauling her back into a crotch, which was hard and more than ready.

Syra released a soft moan of pleasure, even if the sensation was dulled by clothing and arched back into the man.

Mystery guy let out a moan and they began to grind as one, getting jostled and smacked into from time to time until suddenly a feminine figure appeared in front of Syra.

Both man and Syra paused in their grind fest, thrown off by the blonde girl who was more than a little drunk.

Syra turned her head for the first time since the guy had appeared behind her, seeing a mass of white-blonde and brown eyes and yelled over the music, "I'm cool if you are."

The blonde guy smirked and pushed into Syra's ass again, getting a wave of lust to crash into her. She arched back, faced forward and grabbed the drunken girl to her body.

Sandwiched between man and woman who grinded against her, Syra let out moans and danced until she couldn't breathe.

Soon an hour and a half later, Syra dismissed herself, feeling sweaty but slightly better. The guy and woman were both upset at first but reached for each other the next second.

Chuckling at the horny couple, Syra slumped onto the bar stool which she'd occupied earlier -- which was surprising, you usually couldn't get you're original seat back once your ass left it.

She looked up and found another fruity drink already in front of her and let out a soft gasp of shock. Syra's eyes travelled up further and she saw the petite, fairy bartender from earlier. Ren's honey eyes showed amusement and a deep sense of longing Syra was surprised to see.

Lust from Ren she could understand, like earlier, but now it was different. It was like she'd watched Syra dance and longed to have her.

In fact, she probably did.

"Saved your seat," Ren murmured, her soft voice arousing Syra more than her grind fest earlier.

"I see that. It's harder than hell to get back your stool normally."

Ren chuckled at Syra and the sound was pushing her restraint. She slurped at her drink.

"So, what are you doing after this?" Ren's question nearly choked Syra, but she forced herself to swallow down her drink to respond.

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