Xb: Capture the Flag

Start from the beginning


Percy's voice of alarm jolted her from her thoughts as bombs flew randomly around them, Greek fire scorching around. Those bombs are from Hephaestus' cabin! But how...

She noticed plants uprooting from the ground and pulling out the hidden traps and trip mines from the ground and tossing them towards their side, indicating the involvement of Demeter's cabin, but that doesn't make sense, since there is a limit to their abilities and would not have reached such a fearsome extent! Besides, they would have to see the obstacles to pull them out and be able to concentrate and manipulate the fauna to such degree. How? Unless...

No, Piper and Clarisse wouldn't dare...

"Charge!" Clarisse yelled as they jump onto the river, but instead of a splash, there was not a single sound, not even a ripple. What?

I risked standing up to get a glimpse at the riverbank and to my surprise there was no one there! At the last moment though, I notice a dark shadow retreating... oh gods

Before I could react, the children of Ares appeared from the shadows, roaring like thunder as they clashed and caught the Athena and Hermes cabin in-hiding unawares, causing Annabeth to go in a colorful cursing spree

"Leo! Will! Back us up!" I called through the walkie-talkie Leo specifically designed for us demigods to use safely for communication, although it was limited to 12 charges in use before it runs out, something to do with the amount of rainbow light or something.

For a moment, there was no response, then Will answered back, "We've been had! The girl with an auburn hair had a jump on us!"

"What!? How!? Shadow travel?"

"No! She...just came out of thin air! And-" Will cursed which was immediately followed by laser shots similar to the shots Leo demonstrated this morning with his new weapon, "Leo is down! The girl stole the Leozer and my Apollo she is one heck of an accurate shooter!"

Annabeth stamped her foot in frustration, looked at the other side of the river and glared so menacingly Percy had to gulp.

"Artemis Fowl!"


"Nothing personal, daughter of Athena, you were simply too naïve" Artemis smirked as he readjusted his goggles to see Annabeth on the other side glaring right at him, but probably didn't know that, just as she didn't anticipate his sudden rise to leadership.

In all honestly, it wasn't Annabeth's fault, but it was simply a gamble from Piper's end, nothing more. And what could Artemis do but feel honored and do his utmost best? So, he set to work; he spent a good 10 minutes to get to know the layout and the cabins he was working with, and it all boiled down to his favorite tactic of subduing the enemy with the element of surprise.

Firstly, his and Minerva's goggles have an in-built heat sensor and zoom function, allowing visual on the opponents side and allowed them to keep tabs on where they placed traps and positions. It being the state-of-the-art LEP technology, the goggles had a wide range and therefore could render proper images in a radius of a thousand meters, which is basically cheating.

Next, he implied the Ares cabin to cooperate with Nico in devising a surprise attack on the hidden opponents, strengthening Nico's ability to shadow travel by fueling him with magic reserves concocted by the Hecate cabin-a discovery that amazed the demigods the most. It was to be expected, as it came from Artemis' Magic Theory and a little Warlock wisdom, but he wasn't planning to reveal anything else on the matter, and simply labeled it as a "lucky intuition".

Lastly, he ordered the Demeter cabin to raise plants to control on the other side of the bank, which made possible with Hecate cabin's reserves, while Holly would sneak to the other side in stealth, fueling the plants with more of her nature magic on the way, and get the jump on the Apollo and Hephaestus cabin.

'You sure she'll be fine going in alone?' Piper had asked in worry.

Artemis snorted remembering the thought and murmured to himself "You clearly don't know the Captain as much as I do, and I've got a feeling she is not to be messed with right now". He shivered when her remembered staring right into Holly's eyes, as if nature itself had a fire of its own, green and unyielding...

At that moment, Minerva screamed.

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